Positive, I just retested it. No air is pulled from either end when the two are connected to the first stage together.
So, if I have this straight:
1. Breathing from the titan 2nd stage you can draw air from either the ABS octo or the atomic Z2, while both the titan and one of the other 2nd stages are connected to the same 1st stage and the dust cap is in place. Those are the only two scenarios where you can draw air. Any other combination holds vacuum.
2. You disconnect the titan from the hose, cover the threaded attachment point, and it holds vacuum.
If both of those things are true, it points to a problem in the hose connection for the titan. Try the vacuum test with the titan, but disconnected at the 1st stage, so you're also testing vacuum on the hose.
While you're drawing air on the titan, presumably flowing from one of the other 2nds, you can stop the flow of air by covering the mouthpiece opening of either the octo or the atomic. Have you tried that?
Definitely you want to pressurize and submerge everything in a tub, and look for bubbles.
It's not easy to hear where vacuum leaks are coming from. You can also try taking the 2nd stages off the 1st stage (leaving hoses attached to the 2nd stage) and submerging the 2nd stages, then try to suck water up the hose like a straw. You can even submerge part of the 2nd stage to help isolate the leak if you find you can pull water up.