The team is entering a restriction of about 6' in diameter. By all means, not the tightest of restrictions but with back mounted doubles it can be a little tight. I am by no means speaking for the entire cave diving community, but I was taught to always dump any excess air from the BCD as well as the dry suit before entering a major restriction. I believe that this team would have also known this. This is why I suspect that the dry suit was self inflating thus making it impossible to to advance past the restriction. (You see a lot of cave divers with the dry suit dump valve on the forearm). Now you are stuck in a restriction and without any way to dump excess air from the suit. Now you try to kick but the fins are not on your feet. Here is where the diver begins to use his/her hands backing up "pushing heavily." This is not fairy fanning or sculling. This is grabbing the rock formations and pushing like heck to get out of the restriction. So now we have a team about 1312' back in a cave, one diver just appeared to have gotten stuck in a restriction and now once freed has lost their fins and this in taking place in about 20" of vis. After that, your guess is as good as mine.The team climbed the ladder up to about 6 to 7 meters deep and headed for the Rabbit Hole. After diving for about 28 minutes, diver 1 started began moving into the about 2 meters in diameter Rabbit Holen, diver 2 to the place behind him and provided light. Diver 3 was next to Diver 2, behind and at a diagonal. When diver 1 had gone about two feet, he suddenly began to back up, using hands, pushing heavily. As he reached the mouth opening, diver 2 noticed that there was air in the feet of diver 1, but the legs had not risen to the ceiling of the corridor. He noticed that everything was not OK when the diver 1 kicked with the legs all the time without the kicks being effective.
OBTW, please stop using Metabolic acidosis. Metabolic acidosis is a severe lost of HCO3 and not an increase or decrease in CO2.
This place is amazing!
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