Source: Finnish Divers Federation website (and Google translate)
Sukeltajaliitto ry - Uutiset - Tapahtumakuvaus 7.1.2018 Tuna-Hästbergissä, Ruotsissa sattuneesta sukellusonnettomuudesta
note: all divers are "he" in the translation, just read it as he/she
Published 17.1.2018
Event description for the diving accident in Sweden on January 7, 2018 in Tuna-Hästberg
At the wish of their own and of the participants, the Finnish Diving Association publishes an event description of the accident. The event description has been published on Kuopio Sports Companions website on January 16, 2018.
Time: 7.1.2018, morning
Location: Tuna-Hästberg, Sweden
The three diver group had traveled from Finland to Tuna-Häberberg to dive. They participated in about 20 diver events from 5th to 7.1.2018. In an accident on January 7th, 2018, the deceased diver should be number one, the number 2 behind him and the last number 3.
The event was reached on January 5, 2018, and diving started in good spirits. During the first day, the trio dived together making 2 dives. Diver 1 pulled the first dive with the beginning of the route identical to the accident dive. The trio took the first dive on 6.1.2018 together. At that time, they left in the same direction as in an accident crash, but then started off on a different route. For the second dive the day was divided so that diver 2 and 3 dived together. Diver 1 left for another dive with two Norwegian divers. Because he was one of the most experienced, he worked at the top of the group. Their dives went again in the same direction as in the case of an accident crash. After diving, diver 1 was a bit annoyed when their dives had been shorter than his normal dives.
All dives used nitrox with oxygen about 27-29%. The maximum diving depths were about 36 meters. The dives had agreed to follow the 1/3 gas rule. All had bottles of 2x12 l bottles and as stages 80cuf bottles.
The Day of the Accident Day was supposed to be the last trip, after which a home trip would begin. At the beginning of the dive, the team made routine checks, gases ok (D12 -> 210 bar EAN 29, 80 cuf,> 195bar EAN 29), lights ok, bubbles ok and all the other ok. Even the previous night there was an agreed route and dive sequence as described earlier in the text. The beginning of the route was in the same direction as before, but then to go up the staircase to the so called " Rabbit direction and dive a route new to them, which would join with the end of corridor familiar to them close to Mirror-named route.
Diving started as before, calmly moving without any problems. On the way, before the accident, there are a couple of slightly narrower places. There was no problem with them and everything went normal. The team climbed the ladder up to about 6 to 7 meters deep and headed for the Rabbit Hole. After diving for about 28 minutes, diver 1 started began moving into the about 2 meters in diameter Rabbit Holen, diver 2 to the place behind him and provided light. Diver 3 was next to Diver 2, behind and at a diagonal. When diver 1 had gone about two feet, he suddenly began to back up, using hands, pushing heavily. As he reached the mouth opening, diver 2 noticed that there was air in the feet of diver 1, but the legs had not risen to the ceiling of the corridor. He noticed that everything was not OK when the diver 1 kicked with the legs all the time without the kicks being effective. At the same time, one fin of diver 1 came off. Diver 2 pressed the feet immediately down and took the air away from the feet. At the same time, he took Diver 1 from his hand and with his other hand grab the rock to hold them in place. Diver 3 monitored the situation and picked up the dropped flip. He was able to help Diver 1 get his fin back on foot. Diver 2 landed in front of the diver 1 and tried to calm him without touching diver 1. Very quickly Diver 2 noticed, that the second leg fin had fallen off. At that time, he made the decision to rise to the cave roof. He filled the vest of Diver 1. At the bottom of the cave, visibility had weakened to almost zero. Diver 3 stayed to search for the dropped fin and lost guide line at the bottom while Diver 2 rose with Diver 1. When they reached the roof of the cave at a depth of about 2 meters, the diver 2 turned the clearly in panic Diver 1 into the right position and settled in front of him, keeping all the time holding from hand with eye contact.
Once Diver 3 found the fin and the guide line he rose to others. He tried to put on Diver 1’s fin, but diver’s this strong kicking continued and the flippers did not stay on the legs. They both tried to calm down the situation by keeping diver 1 from the hand and trying to soothe the diver. The situation continued for a long time. Divers 2 and 3 communicated that they will start to bring diver 1 to the surface. They could only go a few yards forward when diver 1 convulsed and became lifeless. Divers 2 and 3 found that diver 1 was lost. The dive time was 47 minutes. At this point, the diver 2 had found the guide line in the null visibility and caught it. He was able to advance slightly to better view and started to give a sign to the diver 3. Diver 3 had taken his own reel and drew the string to the diver 1. Diver 3 pulled the rope toward the diver 2 and drew the string to the guide line. Divers 2 and 3 started their return journey at a fast pace. The dive ended 70 minutes after it started.
On the surface, the divers aroused help. Emergency staff and police arrived very quickly. Divers are satisfied about how things were organized on the spot and how quickly they got help in this accident. It is possible that we will never be able to know, what started series of events that ended in the most sad way. It is known that the locals did everything they could and as they were trained to work.
Kuopion Urheilusukeltajat Ry
Sukeltajaliitto ry - Uutiset - Tapahtumakuvaus 7.1.2018 Tuna-Hästbergissä, Ruotsissa sattuneesta sukellusonnettomuudesta
note: all divers are "he" in the translation, just read it as he/she
Published 17.1.2018
Event description for the diving accident in Sweden on January 7, 2018 in Tuna-Hästberg
At the wish of their own and of the participants, the Finnish Diving Association publishes an event description of the accident. The event description has been published on Kuopio Sports Companions website on January 16, 2018.
Time: 7.1.2018, morning
Location: Tuna-Hästberg, Sweden
The three diver group had traveled from Finland to Tuna-Häberberg to dive. They participated in about 20 diver events from 5th to 7.1.2018. In an accident on January 7th, 2018, the deceased diver should be number one, the number 2 behind him and the last number 3.
The event was reached on January 5, 2018, and diving started in good spirits. During the first day, the trio dived together making 2 dives. Diver 1 pulled the first dive with the beginning of the route identical to the accident dive. The trio took the first dive on 6.1.2018 together. At that time, they left in the same direction as in an accident crash, but then started off on a different route. For the second dive the day was divided so that diver 2 and 3 dived together. Diver 1 left for another dive with two Norwegian divers. Because he was one of the most experienced, he worked at the top of the group. Their dives went again in the same direction as in the case of an accident crash. After diving, diver 1 was a bit annoyed when their dives had been shorter than his normal dives.
All dives used nitrox with oxygen about 27-29%. The maximum diving depths were about 36 meters. The dives had agreed to follow the 1/3 gas rule. All had bottles of 2x12 l bottles and as stages 80cuf bottles.
The Day of the Accident Day was supposed to be the last trip, after which a home trip would begin. At the beginning of the dive, the team made routine checks, gases ok (D12 -> 210 bar EAN 29, 80 cuf,> 195bar EAN 29), lights ok, bubbles ok and all the other ok. Even the previous night there was an agreed route and dive sequence as described earlier in the text. The beginning of the route was in the same direction as before, but then to go up the staircase to the so called " Rabbit direction and dive a route new to them, which would join with the end of corridor familiar to them close to Mirror-named route.
Diving started as before, calmly moving without any problems. On the way, before the accident, there are a couple of slightly narrower places. There was no problem with them and everything went normal. The team climbed the ladder up to about 6 to 7 meters deep and headed for the Rabbit Hole. After diving for about 28 minutes, diver 1 started began moving into the about 2 meters in diameter Rabbit Holen, diver 2 to the place behind him and provided light. Diver 3 was next to Diver 2, behind and at a diagonal. When diver 1 had gone about two feet, he suddenly began to back up, using hands, pushing heavily. As he reached the mouth opening, diver 2 noticed that there was air in the feet of diver 1, but the legs had not risen to the ceiling of the corridor. He noticed that everything was not OK when the diver 1 kicked with the legs all the time without the kicks being effective. At the same time, one fin of diver 1 came off. Diver 2 pressed the feet immediately down and took the air away from the feet. At the same time, he took Diver 1 from his hand and with his other hand grab the rock to hold them in place. Diver 3 monitored the situation and picked up the dropped flip. He was able to help Diver 1 get his fin back on foot. Diver 2 landed in front of the diver 1 and tried to calm him without touching diver 1. Very quickly Diver 2 noticed, that the second leg fin had fallen off. At that time, he made the decision to rise to the cave roof. He filled the vest of Diver 1. At the bottom of the cave, visibility had weakened to almost zero. Diver 3 stayed to search for the dropped fin and lost guide line at the bottom while Diver 2 rose with Diver 1. When they reached the roof of the cave at a depth of about 2 meters, the diver 2 turned the clearly in panic Diver 1 into the right position and settled in front of him, keeping all the time holding from hand with eye contact.
Once Diver 3 found the fin and the guide line he rose to others. He tried to put on Diver 1’s fin, but diver’s this strong kicking continued and the flippers did not stay on the legs. They both tried to calm down the situation by keeping diver 1 from the hand and trying to soothe the diver. The situation continued for a long time. Divers 2 and 3 communicated that they will start to bring diver 1 to the surface. They could only go a few yards forward when diver 1 convulsed and became lifeless. Divers 2 and 3 found that diver 1 was lost. The dive time was 47 minutes. At this point, the diver 2 had found the guide line in the null visibility and caught it. He was able to advance slightly to better view and started to give a sign to the diver 3. Diver 3 had taken his own reel and drew the string to the diver 1. Diver 3 pulled the rope toward the diver 2 and drew the string to the guide line. Divers 2 and 3 started their return journey at a fast pace. The dive ended 70 minutes after it started.
On the surface, the divers aroused help. Emergency staff and police arrived very quickly. Divers are satisfied about how things were organized on the spot and how quickly they got help in this accident. It is possible that we will never be able to know, what started series of events that ended in the most sad way. It is known that the locals did everything they could and as they were trained to work.
Kuopion Urheilusukeltajat Ry