The issue amounts to resources. With 1 heavy diver (tech) having issues, it can take 2 people to deal with them. These boats really only have the captain and deckhand to do anything. Unfortunately I can see eyes off of the diver in the water because it would take 2 to deal with an emergency. Did that diver on the deck pass out, have a severe DCS/DCI incident, heart attack, etc. I would expect all concern for a moment to be on that diver until their status is better understood. Getting O2, getting the diver secure, getting their gear secure so as not to be a greater danger, etc. The timeline of how fast Rob disappeared would have a bearing on this especially if he seemed ok. Were others on the deck helping or was everyone in the water can also have impact.
My basis for commenting on the operator is that there are few that I have seen as well organized as them, and because I have dove with them on numerous occasions at the technical level, I find that this organization is consistent. I also know as a technical diver that I am prepared to handle 1 serious issue without impact. I may not be able to handle 2 issues. If both of these divers had issues at the same time, that is quite a load on the crew.