Feeling blue

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OK, so last week my beloved cat who's been with me for over 12 years (he was nearly 15) suddenly stopped eating, then went blind & showed signs of brain-damage, eventually losing the use of his hind legs & just lay there on his blanket, all in the space of 30 hours. I took it very hard, as this cat was more than 'just a cat' to me. He's been my constant companion through so many things, and he's been more like a dog anyway. He followed me from room to room, he fetched, and he was always waiting for me by the front door when I came home from work, his little face looking through the window at me. He'd come to me when I called him, and he'd always respond to me by making some sort of cat-noise. He was a very interactive, vocal cat and his personality could not be beaten. Of course he had to be put down, and it was just horrible. The vets think he had a stroke, an aneurism or a brain tumour.

I've never had to put down a pet before, and none of my cats when I was a kid lived very long, all being outdoor cats that were lost during a snowstorm. So it's not like I've been through this sort of thing before, it was very hard for me, and it still is. I have another cat, but she's not the same kind of cat, she's like a 'real' cat, who does her own thing & pretty much ignores me unless she wants to eat, play or go outside. It's only been 6 days since I lost my 'baby', and, while I'm starting to feel better, it's still really hard.

I ended up taking the day off when I took him in for his last trip to the vet, and I know some people are annoyed about that at work. But these are the same people who take days off because their kids are sick! Just because I don't have kids doesn't mean I don't have the right to grieve for a loved one, no matter that it's not human.

Another thing, none of the men I know, even though they are pet owners & spoil their pets rotten, have even said one thing to me about it! Don't they realize that it's nice to hear from friends when you're feeling depressed about things like this? It's not making me feel any better, that's for sure. One of my friends who lost her beloved dog a few years ago found out about my cat and immediately contacted me; she knew exactly how I was feeling, and it was comforting to know that and to hear from her. Others were checking up on me constantly through email, which was nice, too. OK, so I'm wallowing about in self-pity right now, but have a heart, is it too much to ask to give me a week to mourn for my 'baby'. I don't mean a week off work, I mean a week of feeling blue. After that, I guess I'll just have to go on.
Diving will certainly help, as soon as the weather clears up again.

Thanks for understanding.
Yes, you deserve a mourning period!! I know just how you feel. To me losing a pet is losing a child. Doesn't matter what all those insensitive people say.... it's my CHILD. Take your time.... your heart will heal. HUGS!--Heather.
I am truly and deeply saddened by the death of your kitty kat.
We have three. My wife had a cat that lived to the ripe old age of 21. He's now buried in our family cemetery, unbeknownst to the family members.

I have a little home based business of making caskets for pets (The Rainbow Bridge Pet Casket Company).

Whenever I deliver a casket to a bereft owner I enclose a copy of the following. . . .

The Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

I hope this helped just a little bit.

the K
Cats are people too . . .
If you don't believe it, ask one.
I have a male and female from the same litter (ocicats) that sound just like your "baby"
Very intelligent,love to play fetch,very personable and dog like. The female escaped outside (they are indoor cats) and was missing for 5 days..her brother and my GF and I were a wreck! The male was besides himself,searching all over the house and constantly meowing...just heartbreaking! None of my friends seemed to understand-"its just a cat"..needless to say I was rather upset.
I convinced myself she was gone....but she showed up on the fifth night with a shattered front leg (dogs must have got her?) It was surgicly repaired and rebuilt-can you say $$$$$'s! It was worth every penny and I dont regret it one bit!
Its funny how people relate differently to dogs than cats?

I hope you find a new cat soon,and that your heart is on the mend-its very difficult when you become so attached.
Check into the ocicat breed-very unique and intelligent!A cross between abyssinian,siamese and american shorthair-I cant say enough about them!
We're "cat people" too. Always have two, so they can keep each other company.

We've lost cats in various ways. The toughest were the two that we got when we first got married. One was 10 when he got feline leukemia; the other was 19 when he just plain died of old age. Broke my heart each time. It was me -- the "strong" male -- who couldn't bear the thought of taking them to be put down... it had to be my wife each time. No easier on her... but she just went ahead and had to do it...

I don't know... a lot of times guys have a tougher time expressing what they feel about things like this.... we figure we have to appear stoic... Don't you always believe it, though.

I can't and won't comment about your co-workers' views... but I know exactly how you feel.

OK, so last week my beloved cat who's been with me for over 12 years (he was nearly 15) ....snip....

Others were checking up on me constantly through email, which was nice, too. OK, so I'm wallowing about in self-pity right now, but have a heart, is it too much to ask to give me a week to mourn for my 'baby'. I don't mean a week off work, I mean a week of feeling blue. After that, I guess I'll just have to go on.
Diving will certainly help, as soon as the weather clears up again.

Thanks for understanding.

Sorry about your cat, CU. I'm sure a lot of pet owners can empathize with your feeling. I know I can. Don't worry about what people think. Take the time you need. Your colleagues can take it or leave it.

Well, so sorry to hear about your kitty. It's very hard to deal with I myself just lost my kitty Toby a few months ago..he was 20 yrs. old had him since he was 7 weeks old..he even traveled to other countries when hubby and I traveled. It's always hard to loose a beloved pet. In June will be 3 yrs. that we lost my lovely girl Mercedez(dog) she just had turned 8 yrs. old and died of cancer....and I still miss her terribly. now i just have 2 other dog's that keep me busy. As to some of your friends not saying anything to you...maybe they think that by saying something to you that you might feel worse...and I know that cause I have some friends that are the same..that they didn't want to mention anything cause I would start to cry. but, take your time in mourning your kitty and with time you will feel better....even though he will always will be in your heart. think of all the yrs. you had with him and all the joy he gave you.
I'm really sorry. And I know pets are members of the family. So scr**** your work friends - if they don't understand that.
I have adog and always have one. Now Atos is 14 years old and his time is probably coming. I can't even think about life without him...
Hey CU,

People who don't have pets, simply don't understand the feeling of loss when they are taken from us. I too am a cat person, and a dog person, and a rabbit person and...well you catch my drift :wink:

I hope you get over it soon, glad to see that your starting to feel better already.
And hey, dont be afraid to get a new cat! Sure it won't be the same, but you'll love it just as much, and it will develop traits that no other cat will have :D

Feel better!


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