Feeling blue

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I had to be the one that drove our dog of 14 yrs to the vet. It was a very traumatic experience for me. I still remember how she actually perked up on the way there because she loved to go for rides. It broke my heart. I sobbed and sobbed for about an hour in the parking lot before I could drive home. I never want to have to go through that again but I guess it is a chance you take when you take a new pet into you life/heart.

I have 5 children and I have never gone far enough to call a pet one of them but they are a definite part of the family. I don't think it is fair to say that there is something wrong with people for not understanding the depth of feeling there can be having a beloved pet. Some people just have never experienced that for whatever reason and there are even people that do not understand depth of feeling for anything. That is just sad, not something to feel offended about. I am glad you have found a place to talk out your grief and that you are not alone.
I know exactly how you and Sue (and everyone else) feel about having to take your pets to the vet for the last time. I had to do that with my cat (he was a coal black cat called Midnight and was put down on Friday the 13th). I could barely see through my tears to drive home. I buried him in our backyard, next to one of our dogs that he had practically grown up with. That was one of the hardest things I've ever had to go through. I hope you will take all the time you need to mourn, because I guarantee he was every bit as much a part of your family as any of your blood relatives. :116:

And if your male friends can't understand that, then it's time to find some new male friends. I hearby volunteer....:hug2:
I have great sympathy for you... I have to leave my Dog with my family in England, as I live here in Spain, I have had her from when she was just 10 days old, and she is now 14yeras old, german shepard,called ennie. She is my baby, my best friend my everything, I always worry about when I go home, if she´ll remember me, she always does, although I recently spoke with my mum and she told me that Ennie wasn´t doing too good, I have always said that the moment she starts to suffer, thats it. I am absolutly drading the phone call to say that she´s gone, but I know its coming.
OK, so last week my beloved cat who's been with me for over 12 years (he was nearly 15) suddenly stopped eating, then went blind & showed signs of brain-damage, eventually losing the use of his hind legs & just lay there on his blanket, all in the space of 30 hours. I took it very hard, as this cat was more than 'just a cat' to me. He's been my constant companion through so many things, and he's been more like a dog anyway. He followed me from room to room, he fetched, and he was always waiting for me by the front door when I came home from work, his little face looking through the window at me. He'd come to me when I called him, and he'd always respond to me by making some sort of cat-noise. He was a very interactive, vocal cat and his personality could not be beaten. Of course he had to be put down, and it was just horrible. The vets think he had a stroke, an aneurism or a brain tumour.

I've never had to put down a pet before, and none of my cats when I was a kid lived very long, all being outdoor cats that were lost during a snowstorm. So it's not like I've been through this sort of thing before, it was very hard for me, and it still is. I have another cat, but she's not the same kind of cat, she's like a 'real' cat, who does her own thing & pretty much ignores me unless she wants to eat, play or go outside. It's only been 6 days since I lost my 'baby', and, while I'm starting to feel better, it's still really hard.

I ended up taking the day off when I took him in for his last trip to the vet, and I know some people are annoyed about that at work. But these are the same people who take days off because their kids are sick! Just because I don't have kids doesn't mean I don't have the right to grieve for a loved one, no matter that it's not human.

Another thing, none of the men I know, even though they are pet owners & spoil their pets rotten, have even said one thing to me about it! Don't they realize that it's nice to hear from friends when you're feeling depressed about things like this? It's not making me feel any better, that's for sure. One of my friends who lost her beloved dog a few years ago found out about my cat and immediately contacted me; she knew exactly how I was feeling, and it was comforting to know that and to hear from her. Others were checking up on me constantly through email, which was nice, too. OK, so I'm wallowing about in self-pity right now, but have a heart, is it too much to ask to give me a week to mourn for my 'baby'. I don't mean a week off work, I mean a week of feeling blue. After that, I guess I'll just have to go on.
Diving will certainly help, as soon as the weather clears up again.

Thanks for understanding.

Hi there:
I am very sorry about the loss of your companion! Yeah, some people just don't get it but our pets are more than that. I have been through what you have suffered and its miserable and I currently have an ageing "friend" who is very sick...i am dreading the day. I just hope that i will be wiht her to comfort her. My mum has planned to visit me in the USA ( iam a brit living overseas and have not gone back due to the quarentine of my pets) when the "time" comes.
SO...ignore the unfeeling nimrods!! They should be more feeling than to leave you out there when you are feeling so blue.
was in Ottawa last week...nice city you have
take care and cheer up..think of the great love you gave your pet!
Last Sunday I lost my Rottie, Kelly to cancer. I got to say good by to her at home, at about 2:45 AM. She was 12 years old and lived most of her life as a pet therapy dog in the childrens home and nursing homes in the area. It hurt like hell, and still does...Time heals all wounds, try to be happy for the time you had togeather. Take care.
All of you people here on SB are the best! Thank you for all for your support and understanding. I've had a pretty rough time, both because of this issue and work issues, and not enough personal support from people in my life, but you all came through for me, big-time.

I sympathize with all of you who have shared your stories of your recent and not-so-recent losses, and all I have to say is this: when my cat became ill, it was very sudden, so take some extra time today & spend it with your furry loved ones, and appreciate them while you still have them. Your pets are your best friends: they always listen, never criticize, and snuggle up for a hug when you need one.
Hello CU. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. The petless people in the world just don't get it - The relationships that are built with an animal that can never be duplicated with a person. I have always been the person with a horse, a dog, and two cats, and completely understand what you are going through. I have dealt with many animals' last moments (I also have a vet assistant diploma, and breed and foal thoroughbreds), and there are certain animals that just seem to touch a part of your life. The hardest thing I ever had to do was make the call to put my horse down when he got sick. He was only 9 years old, and though I have had horses pass away in my life before, this one was the most tragic. I even had to hold him down during the injection. I am still hurting from this to this day, and it was 2 1/2 years ago. Not long before this happened, my dog also passed away (inexplicably). While getting another cat is probably inevitable, do grieve for this one first. He was a very important part of you life, and he will always be in your heart. A big hug goes out to you.

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