Feeling blue

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CU, I feel your sorrow. Just last Sunday we lost out cat. He was the companion for my wife since I work out of town. We let him out Saturday night. He usually comes in thru a dog door sometime in the night and sleeps in our bed with us. He didn't come in when we called the next morning. I went outside prior to going to church and found him dead beside the house. No wounds, no bleeding, looked like he was just coming back home and layed down and died. I told my wife, we said our goodbys and I burried him before going to church. This was somewhat devistating to us seeing that 18 months ago we had two dogs and a cat. One dog and the cat stayed with my wife, the other dog traveled with me. Both dogs died of parvo virus within a week of each other. We have a pet cemetary on our property where all of our pets are now burried. complete with markers.
My heart goes out to you.. Some people don't understand the deep bond that a person can have with a pet. As an owner of 3 cats (1 from the shelter, 1 rescue, 1 stray), I can empathize with you completely- they are like little furry kids who make me smile every day.
Its completely normal to grieve for a pet- take as much time as you need to heal emotionally and don't worry about what others think. Hugs to you!
CU, sorry about the loss of your pet. It's tough each time it happens, pets are very special parts of our lives. Take it easy on you, avoid the chaos, and if your co-workers don't understand then ignore them.

Diving is good therapy.


CU, I feel for you. Having lost pets throughout my life (farm cats, home cats that got out, etc) I know it hurts. I still miss one particular cat, even after 15 years. Lots of fond memories of that particular cat.

Take the time to grieve. And don't let anyone make you think you shouldn't.
Thanks to you all for sharing your stories and your kind words, I know now that I'm not crazy for feeling the way I do. It's been hard and I'm starting to feel better, but now and then I remember something about his last couple of days and it all comes back to me. I wish I didn't have to give him up to the vet, but I had to. There are still lots of reminders of him, from his favourite spot on the back of the couch that still has clumps of his fur, to his empty bowl still sitting in my dish drainer; his basket in front of the fireplace where he had his last peaceful nap and the now empty spot on the foot of my bed where he slept every night.

Both of my cats were adopted from the Humane Society, and maybe someday I'll find another cat who will catch my eye and bond with me the way he did, but not right now. I still remember the day we met: he was the only cat who approached the front of the cage, rubbing up against the bars and meowing at me; all the other cats were unfriendly, asleep or cowering in the back of their cages. I knew he was the cat for me, and I think he knew it too. I opened the cage & picked him up & he purred, rubbed his face on my neck & drooled on me. It was the beginning of nearly 12 and half years of mutual devotion. :)
CU, take your time to mourn. Its been almost 10 years since I lost my best friend-my cat of 14 years. I could walk him on a leash like a dog, and was the only cat I knew that had a fan club! I actually had a list of people that wanted to take him if something ever happened to me.
I still have his leash and his collar. And every year around the time of his death, I feel sad. Since his passing I have adopted a couple more cats, but none will ever replace TC.
Take care and be gentle with yourself. It's ok to feel the way you do. Its good to cry, and write down in a journal all your memories with the cat. Time does wonders, and know your cat is in a better place.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss and I know what you are going through. It is never easy losing a beloved pet no matter how long they have been with us. People who are not "animal people" do not understand and it is their loss as they are missing out on a wonderful relationship. My dogs are my kids (don't tell my son ;-) and I feel their loss strongly and it affects me for a long time and in many cases for life. Sadly, as I have been showing/training/breeding champion Golden Retrievers for about 30 years I have lost more than my share and I still miss them all. Ignore the idiots who have no clue, you need time to mourn the loss of a "person" who has been thru so much with you. I am glad someone else posted the Rainbow Bridge poem, it is a wonderful piece and I always send it to anyone I know who has lost a pet. A great web site is:
CU, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. My sister has lots of her own babies (horses, dogs, ferrets), and each one is special in its own way. I lost the only dog who was "my" dog a couple of years ago, and I still get those horrible pangs of missing him on occasion. It's even harder to take when you choose to euthanize, because it can be almost a feeling of betrayal to your dear and beloved companion.

This is a story I got by email from a pet lover, that gave me a lot of comfort:

A man died and went to heaven and was greeted outside the pearly gates by his old dog who had been his companion for numerous years. The dog was young and playful again, not the way the man had remembered him. The man and his dog played for a while, when St. Peter greeted them and asked if they wanted to come in. The man looked around and saw fluffy clouds, angels playing harps, and it looked like a beautiful place. He asked St. Peter whether he could bring his dog. St. Peter replied, "I'm sorry, Sir. There are no pets allowed here."

The man decided not to stay, so he continued on his way, stopping to pet his dog and scratch him behind the ears on the way. After quite a while, he came upon some open gates and looked in. He saw numerous people and their pets there, playing together. There was a fresh stream flowing through, birds singing, grass to roll in, sticks to chase and the man noticed St. Peter greeted him once again. "Would you like to come in?" St. Peter asked the man.

"Oh yes, please," said the man. "What is this place?"

"It's heaven," replied St. Peter. "The other place is for people who never took the time to love and care for any God's creatures."
Writing down all your memories of him is a wonderful idea. That way you can share with others all your special memories. I've done this for loved ones, pets included, that I've lost. I love going back and reading.
I wish there were something to say that would make things better. I just don't know how I am going to face what you are going through now when my time comes.

My cocker spaniel, Puppy, is sixteen and a half years old. She can't see very well anymore. Other than that, she is in good health for her age, still running and playing with other dogs when we are out and about.

For almost ten years, after I moved to this area, we would walk on the beach together at nights. She loved it, and she was great company for me.

About a year and a half ago, I noticed that these long beach walks were just getting to be too taxing for her. She would be stiff the mornings after, and I felt that she was not getting a benefit from these walks anymore. So, we took one last walk together. It was very sad. It has never been the same since.

I have had this dog since a few months before my only human child was born. My daughter's first words were not Mommy or Daddy but Puppy! Really!

I also recognize the realities of time, and I know that there is but so much longer that she will likely be around. I don't know how I am going to face it. I think it is great that you have brought your feelings out about this and how it is affecting you.

I hope that you will soon be filled with the memories of all of the good times and the good things you and your pet shared together rather than having the feelings of loss that you are experiencing now.

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