February ABWA dive and dine 14th and 15th

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Is it just me or does it sound like Michael really wants to dive in a Speedo?

No, no, no.... I'd only dive in a speedo for the cause!

for the cause!


Which cause is that? The "Just say no" ......That was to prevent people from taking drugs...not cause them to need them.
Which cause is that? The "Just say no" ......That was to prevent people from taking drugs...not cause them to need them.

If it helps, I didn't say anyone needed to be in the water. If you look, that's your own fault!

No, no, no.... I'd only dive in a speedo for the cause!


If it helps, I didn't say anyone needed to be in the water. If you look, that's your own fault!


Don't we need to practice blacked-out mask drills for some upcoming course? Seems like a good time to practice it :D
You don't have to go to the trouble of blacking out a mask. Go back into a cave about 200ft and have the instructor and all the students turn their lights out for line drills. After awhile you quit blinking because you can't tell whether your eyes or open or not. That's when you get "really" good using your hands. :wink:

Disclaimer: Make sure Michael is no where in groping distance when this drill takes place. :D
That's right. Take off your masks and give them all to me. Bwahaha! :wink: In our class we had to take off our mask and our team mate had to lead us down a line via touch contact. Just swim around with your mask off and you will be a natural in no time. :D
Team Mate Leading? We were both in the dark exiting the cave with no lights and OOA simulation while maintaing contact with the line and with each other. :)

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