Statistics of Shark Attacks on Divers
These data reveal that the majority of shark attacks on divers are not fatal. This does not mean that divers should be less careful in the water, but it does support the idea that sharks are not hunting humans for food. Fatal attacks are usually the result of significant blood loss and stress. One theory suggests that sharks will bite their prey to make sure it is edible before eating it. Once this 'prey' item is identified as an unnatural source of food, the shark will swim away to find more suitable food elsewhere.
Last updated: January 10, 2007
Use these data with CAUTION, remembering that scientific and media coverage of shark attack during the early part of this century was far less inclusive than that of today. This graph indicates an overall increase in the numbers of reported shark attacks over the last century. This apparent trend is a reflection of increased numbers of people utilizing the ocean, and enhanced media coverage over the last century. These data do NOT support an increase in the per capita attack rate on divers worldwide. (For further information, see the ISAF 2005 Worldwide Shark Attack Summary) The apparent drop in number of attacks in the 1970s occurred at a time when the ISAF was not as active due to lack of funding.
Last updated: January 10, 2007
The data presented above are the percentages of shark attacks on divers per decade that were fatal. (See the previous chart, "Unprovoked Attacks on Divers by Decade," for the number of divers attacked per decade.) The only shark attack that occurred between 1900-1909 was fatal, resulting in the 100% fatality for that decade. The increase in percentage of fatal shark attacks between 1990-1999 is likely due to divers' behavior. People are diving in more exotic areas, searching farther for areas where no one has been without regard to the added safety precautions one must take when diving in high shark risk areas