As several of you may know, I have routinely dived to depths not exceeding 200 ft on air. Often I have divers on board the dive boat ask if they can dive with me. I rarely will take anyone else to depths beyond recreational limits (or even 100 ft) unless I am pretty familiar with their diving history and skills, and know that they are equipped to dive safely should something happen. I won't even take my experienced dive buddies beyond 160 ft. When I am at the deeper depths, I don't want to have to think about the safety of another person as I focus on the limited time I have at depth to locate subjects and film.
It never ceases to amaze me when I see divers who are fairly new (say less than 100 dives), want to dive solo without redundancy and occasionally to depths far exceeding their training. I would not want to dive with any of these divers, even to depths within rec limits.