AMERMAID – I never mentioned the name of the dive site. It was, in fact, Villa Blanca. I’m curious how you knew this?
MERXLIN- One of the few to recognize why gear control is problematic if you’ve got one arm elevated and the other applying direct pressure.
DUMPSTER DIVER – You get a concession from me regarding the learning curve; but on an entirely different matter. I forgot about red. TERRYLOWE described it exactly.
The attack was rapid, stunning, intensely painful, and took a moment to process. I saw a bit of darkish green substance and my first thoughts were “ink” (?), “venom” (?), “what’s going on?” As the dark cloud began pouring out of my wrist I realized it was blood and ended the dive as described.
PS – “Tenacity” was a gracious compliment and I’m smiling about it. I think you’ll smile too when you hear what my dive buddy said afterward (“I’ve never seen an eel attack a barracuda before”

KARIBELLE – Once again, your accuracy is appreciated. My expectations of a DM have been repeatedly misstated and convoluted throughout this thread. We can all agree DMs are not babysitters, but I take issue with a DM who had so extremely diverted his attention from a group of paying customers in order to engage in lionfish elimination and ended up injuring himself in the process.
Control of the lionfish population has become such an overwhelming concern that it’s now unquestionably acceptable for DMs to engage in lionfish elimination during the course of guided dives. I think it’s time to question this practice.
ANNIEOLS – Answers to your questions:
Was this the first dive with this DM? No
Did the DM ask permission to spear or mention it in a briefing? No
If not the first dive, did you have a problem in previous dives with the eliminating? In previous dives there hadn’t been such an extensive amount of time spent on elimination. It was the extenuating circumstances of this particular dive that brought the problem into focus.
Did you ask the DM not to practice elimination with you in the future dives? It was the last dive of the trip. In future I’m going to make that request. There was a follow-up discussion with the DM and dive shop management (as noted, a reputable operation). They are re-evaluating how to handle L.E. during the course of guided dives.
I would like to hear how your actual bite occurred. Was the eel following you, harassing you, out of no where? It was out of nowhere.