I've never worked in the industry, the working degree is the master's degree and it took me 8 years of going to college full time to get my B.A. I'm DONE with school
A friend I graduated with works in the oil industry doing seismology and his company is the ONLY ONE in the industry that made money last year. He said one seismic company is a billion dollars in debt! Seems the seismology companies were buying boats to get seismic readings of the ocean floor for the oil/gas companies. Evidently the oil/gas industry cut their budget for seismic and now the companies with those boats are paying for them but have no source of income. All of this is second hand information I got from him.
Evidently there are a lot of out of work, experienced geologists in the oil industry after a series of mergers the last few years. My friend said he could get me a job doing seismic if I move to Houston. He said his company tends to hire people who are recommended by current employees so knowing someone may be the key to a geology job.
My friend has a masters in geophysics but couldn't get a job in his field because he didn't have any experience. He got a job in seismic without experience or education in that field
Last I heard the internships in the oil/gas industry paid really good though, mainly because once you're out of school you're out of a job.
I've been told a geology degree is good if you want a job with the EPA, at least in this area. Don't know about the mining areas out west and in Florida.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help but I went with a manual labor factory/type job that paid better than the B.A. level geology jobs in Ohio.

Evidently there are a lot of out of work, experienced geologists in the oil industry after a series of mergers the last few years. My friend said he could get me a job doing seismic if I move to Houston. He said his company tends to hire people who are recommended by current employees so knowing someone may be the key to a geology job.
My friend has a masters in geophysics but couldn't get a job in his field because he didn't have any experience. He got a job in seismic without experience or education in that field

I've been told a geology degree is good if you want a job with the EPA, at least in this area. Don't know about the mining areas out west and in Florida.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help but I went with a manual labor factory/type job that paid better than the B.A. level geology jobs in Ohio.