Dumbest Thing You Have Done...

How many times have you broken gear doing something stupid?

  • Never

    Votes: 135 58.7%
  • 1 time

    Votes: 44 19.1%
  • 2 - 3 times

    Votes: 31 13.5%
  • 4 or more times

    Votes: 20 8.7%

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havent broken anything, but before my first night dive in cozumel, i switched my secondary light with my dads secondary. i had a little cheepo light as a secondary and he had a surge. so i found it in his bc pocket, and thinking what a great place that was for a light put it in my bc pocket. i packed up all of my gear, and we got to the site, and i looked around and went damn! i forgot to bring the surge. it didn't matter, b/c i had another light. after a very cool dive we got on the boat. i felt something in my pocket, there was the light, i had had it with me the entire time. :wacko: :wacko:

i know that anyone with a qd on their computer can relate to this. in coz we stayed a hotel with dive lockers in a room of the lobby. having just gotten a suunto cobra i took the computer with me to record my dives at our room. about two times i got down to the beach and relized that the cobra was still in the little safe in the room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First, I want to say that this isn't my story, but that of one of my fellow divers at work. She was far from proud of this story, but I thought of it as reading this thread.

anyway, she was spear fishing when a small (she never said the exact length) hammerhead shark passed by. For no reason, and she says she still doesn't know what posessed her to do this, she shot the shark. :(

She hit it in the side, and it took off, with her in tow (she was tied off to the tip).

At this point she recounts what she is thinking... "that was stupid, damn, if I cut my line I lose the tip, maybe he will die quickly and I can recover the tip, s**t I'm going to have a long swim back"...

you get the idea, I guess when you're being dragged through the water by a shark your mind thinks fast. Anyway, she says that she let the shark drag her for about a minute before she see's a dark cloud in the water ahead. As she gets closer, she realizes that it is a school of the little guys relatives.

At this point she decides that the $25 tip is expendable and she cuts the line (don't know if it had the BC seal of approval :mean: ). She then watches the shark swim into the school and disappear (as in eaten by the other sharks).:wacko:

She didn't admit to relieving herself in her wetsuit, but you can guess how she felt when she realized just how close she came to being a chapter in the next darwin award's book.

Anyway, I thought you might find this an story interesting.

Now that is REAL stupid... It kind of like throwing rocks at baby bears to tree them. ( err... a err... friend, yeah a friend did that when I ahh I mean he was younger.)
dsgobie once bubbled...
Now that is REAL stupid... It kind of like throwing rocks at baby bears to tree them. ( err... a err... friend, yeah a friend did that when I ahh I mean he was younger.)
I assume that you... ah, your friend, lived to tell about it? Sounds like an exciting day!
Well, I had this C4 that was a great first light, seeing as it was a present from my parents.

The dumb part is, it started flickering on/off at the surface, so I would bang it to get it to work again. Not so bad, till it happened underwater, at which point I decided to twist it a bit... dumb dumb dumb. Now I have a flooded C4 light, and 4 very rusty NiMH batteries... :wacko:
landlocked once bubbled...
I assume that you... ah, your friend, lived to tell about it? Sounds like an exciting day!

.... Ahhh those were they days..
syruss32 once bubbled...
During training my instructor kept harping about laying the tank and bcd down. If he caught it standing and you were more than 3 feet from it, you owed him a 6 pack. Luckily I never got caught.

My instructor had the exact same rule. I guess it's part of the instructor course :)

Hmm dumb things..let's see....

- On my photography course i nearly ran out of air because I was too busy taking pictures (came back with like 30 bar :( ). Lucky we were in shallow water. That dive thaught me an important lesson in checking my gauges regulary.

- I still remember my first scuba dive. It was on a Dive Boat at the Great Barrier Reef. While waiting to jump into the water I observed the instrucor already in the water and another diver just below the surface. The diver was taking her regulator out of the mouth and then putting it back in.

"What a great chance to impress the instrucor" I thought". With no prior dives done I slid into the water when it was my turn and faced the instructor.

Proudly I took my regulator out of the mouth but instead of seeing an impressed face of the instrucor i just saw A LOT of air bubbles coming out of my regulator.

Gave me quite a shock *lol*

That's all!
Trying to scratch my eye and hitting my mask, flooding it and making the itch worse, finally took it off and gave it good rubbing.

Forgetting to tighten the lense assembly on my small light then turning it on at 80' and watching the bulb blow.:upset:
Did you ever wonder if a plumose anemone is soft, well yes it is. On one dive, it was a shallow one and I wasn't narced, I thought I would feel it with my cheek, since the water was too cold to take my glove off. Well the anemone is very soft and I was quite content with my discovery. However I found out a couple of hours later that they sting, my cheek was a little red and swollen for a few days.

Since I recently became certified, I really dont have anything ive done that was too dumb, but I have a great story about my instructor last weekend. We went down to monterey, ca to dive breakwater. He had a class doing their open water dives so I decided to just tag along and hang out. We ended up going out on another instructors boat. Well, when we get to the dive site, we anchor, and since the boat is crowded with the gear and all of us, we have to don our gear in the water. Well, he takes his bc and tank and throws it into the water..where it proceeds to sink to the bottom. We laugh for a second, then I get in and go look for it. I come up after 5 or so minutes and am empty handed, but the other instructor found it. Well, at this point, the other instructor takes the students underwater so I stay up top with my friend. While hes putting on his gear, his mask gets knocked off and...you guessed it, sinks to the bottom. I dive down, and after 5 minutes I find the mask and return to the top. Now, he puts his mask on and were ready to dive. We get down about 40 feet, and start loooking for the group (visibility is about 6 feet) after a few minutes, he gets my attention and shows me his pressure gauge. Its reading 100 psi. He thinks it may be the quick disconnect on the compujter (air intergrated) so he takes my spare reg and breathes off it while I turn off his air. He disconnects the quick disconnect, re-connects it and then I turn his air back on. The gauge reads 0000 now, so we ascend to the surface and end the dive. We get back to shore and he realizes the bottle really is empty. The funny thing is, when I picked up his bottle to rig his gear up, I thought it was light and asked him If he was sure that it was full. He said yes, and so I didnt give it another thought. Lesson learned here I guess. If it would have been a shore dive, im sure we would have caught it, since we go over each others gear in a buddy check, but in this case, we just loaded our gear up in the boat and hopped in. I guess it just wasnt his day.

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