Dumbest Thing You Have Done...

How many times have you broken gear doing something stupid?

  • Never

    Votes: 135 58.7%
  • 1 time

    Votes: 44 19.1%
  • 2 - 3 times

    Votes: 31 13.5%
  • 4 or more times

    Votes: 20 8.7%

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Drove 2 Hrs to the location where I am supposed to take the boat... While on the road, I spilled Orange Juice on myself, got caught by the Cops because I eneterd a wrong road... they took away my car registration and gave me a big ticket :(

Arrived there, got on the boat, the boat ride to the dive site which is one of the best sites in our area was 1.5 hrs...

We were 5 guys... I felt like something was missing... I opened my dive bag ... lo and behold, I had forgotten my BCD!!! no extra on the boat...! :)

The Dive center also forgot something... Weights for 3 of the guys!!!

We figured all this after reaching the site!!!...

So I had my weight belt and they had a much needed BCD which I could borrow... so we decided to split into 2 groups... except that the first group could barely dive with 2KG of weights each... so all you could see is fluttering and stuff... at the end they just managed to sink...

15 minutes later, I see the first guy float up (I think he had an Aluminum tank which made him lighter)...

2 minutes later the other two guys also surfaced 200 meters away from the first guy...

suddenly we see around 7 to 10 fins roaming around that 1 guy... so the other 2 start screaming SHARK SHARK... the 1st guy faints... :boom:

We cut Anchor and head towards him, we realized that those were not shark fins... they were black dolphins!

Ok, so my turn to dive with my buddy... I am wearing a shorty wetsuit... we dive (uneventful)... once we finished, we noticed it became somehow dark around us... we started surfacing and looked up... 1,000,000,000,000 small jellyfish clouded the surface!!!

So I started purging my Octo in order to make some clearance... yep I got stung (thank god they were mild)...

Now we are heading back... as we had been diving in groups... we were late... we arrived at the port... the boat gut stuck... the tide had come in and we were screwed...

I suggested we carry some of the gear and walk back to shore so that the boat will float more... it worked... except that we had to walk in Oil, crap and god knows what mutated creatures there were in that dock...

the owner of the boat had the latest 1950s model Suburban to pull the boat out... as there was a very low tide, the car had to be taken down further than normal and got stuck in the stilt...

Water was up to the back of the car and when we tried to tow it out with another car, the hitch along with the rear bumper and part of the chasis came off the suburban...

We brought in a bulldozer to try to get the suburban out... now the front hitch as well as the whole front of the car along with the lights came off :wacko:

At the end they just pulled the suburban out by tying ropes into the front axel and the boat was pulled out with the bulldozer...

We all made it back alive...

It was the crappiest experience I have ever had in my life...

Thanks for creating this thread as I have always wanted to document this experience but never had a chance...
Coliseum that made my nite-still rolling:) Z

Personally, I've never made any mistakes, I'll post the first time I do:) zeN
Glad you enjoyed it... its a great story to tell at parties... however, if you do look at the events... my only mistake was forgetting my BCD... the rest was the work of fate and the stupidity of the dive center!

I believe they revoked their PADI status....
To numerous to list, but here a few that the after diving
cocktails left intact.

One of most recent was forgetting my Wings for my dual tank
setup. Drove all the way to Gilboa Quarry all excited about getting some dives in with my new equip. Had the BP, tanks,
but NO bladder!!! Fortunately, I took my AL80's and BCD for single tanks along.

Assuming your dive buddy has a compass when you realize
you forgot yours 20min. into a dive.

Jumping off the diveboat with air shutoff or only partially
turned on. 5ft OK, 10ft OK, next breath t'aint there.
Sometimes self inflicted, other times due to folks no knowing
which way is ON! Reaching back for the valve knob is a
great flexibility test.

Mask squeeze and shark chumming. Thinking the "Green
Stuff" in my mask was a chemical reaction of my defog with
saltwater. I was a pretty GREEN diver when this happened.

Entering the water without zipping the drysuit.
On a Lake Michigan dive I once did a backward roll off the boat into the 42 degree water with my drysuit zipper open

It was a very refreshing experience!!:wacko:
Not all related to the actual act of diving, but dive related.

Buddy who is always in such a damn hurry grabs wrong hood, and quickly fulls over head. Turns to wife and in high pitch, short of of breath, in pain kind of voice says, "This is your hood isn't it."

Buddy and wife drive 1hr to set, she forgot weights, top half of 2 piece wetsuit, and regulator

Finally got off my lazy ass and decided to put my name on a few new pieces of gear with a paint marker. Did this the morning before a dive, duh! Everything washed off.

Every single time I dive I'm usually sitting around doing nothing the night before. Then the next morning I run around like crazy, packing everything and trowing it in the truck. One of these days I really will pack the night before!

wrinkles once bubbled...
On every trip that I take i always Bungie diver.
Huh? What do you have bungied? Are you talking about having your secondary reg bungied around your neck?
Well it's kinda hard to explain....

When you go on a boat you put a bungie around the tank vavle to make sure your gear dosen't roll around when the boat does.

Well I put my reg on without taking the bungie off the tank vavle so I am literally stuck to the boat going bungie diving. Then i have to turn my air of, take my reg off, then take off the bungie, just to get back to the point i started at. Time consuming and embrassing.

Is this explanation a little better than the last one?

The dumbist thing I have ever done was last May in Coz we were on our way to dive site at 7:30 am. I was putting de-fog in my mask. When I decided to rinse, I held the mask over the boat just enough to catch a little water. As I was doing this I said to myself, "self, this is really not a good idea". B4 I finished the sentence, you guessed it, there goes my mask........my brand new mask.........dumb a@#! I deserved that one. I can tell you I will never attempt that manover again. Nothing like being impatient.
...which is why my mask has one of those floatie straps on it.

And Wrinkles, I think everyone does that bungie thing once. :)

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