I've gotten a chance to play with sidemount three times now. The first time, I didn't like it at all, but the rig wasn't well adjusted. The second time . . . well, I agree with vicp on this one, it was heaven! I spent 45 minutes in and out of the cavern at JB playing, and I mean playing. Upside down, right-side-up, on my side, on my back, perfectly stable and comfortable in all those positions. I was in love, and ready to go home and switch over.
BUT . . . it turns out that there were some real issues to face. To begin with, it's relatively difficult to put together or find a sidemount setup that works well in cold water with steel tanks. It can be done, but most rigs are optimized for cave diving, which isn't done in 45 degree salt water. Second, there is no consensus at all on what the best setup IS, or how to put it together, and there are lots of options and variations, and I'm not one of those people who gets off on gear-futzing. And third, I realized on my next trip to MX that having to take multiple single bottles down three flights of uneven stairs was no better than throwing two of them on my back, where I could at least use the handrails. (I'm too short to carry Al80s hanging down from the valve, so I have to hold them in two hands, which means I have to negotiate the stairs without the handrails.) I did come up with a solution for this on the last trip, which I haven't tried, but it involves putting the tanks in a backplate with cambands and carrying them down that way, and I still get to make three trips up and down the stairs.
Where Rob Neto dives, you can put the tanks on a handtruck and take them to the water's edge. Not so much in Mexico.
I've also done a little bit of diving with sidemount buddies. Except for Curt Bowen and Ben Martinez, they've all been much slower to be ready to dive than those of us who just throw on a set of doubles. It's clear that, if you have your gear set up just right and you dive it often, you can get pretty fast (and I was diving on a boat with Curt, who quietly and efficiently geared himself up just as fast as anybody else there, including the single tank people.) But when you're new at it, it's very time consuming.
So right now, I'm still diving BM, on the theory that almost all dives can be done that way, and I know the system, and have all the kinks worked out of it already.