Doing it Right

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Still I have to say, when I made the post you were referring to, I thought I had worded it carefully enough to be sure it was not offensive...If you were to do a search of my posts on DIR, you would see that I try hard NOT to be offensive, as in the DIR of the late 90's...which was often offensive, but for reasons explained in other posts--not to hurt feelings, but to blast beyond the big media and advertising budgets of agencies that we felt were endangering tek divers and the new sport...thats another whole topic. I am sorry, I did not mean any offense...I think if you and I had been having this discussion on a dive boat, by my facial expressions and tone, there would have been no chance at all for you to be offended...while the Internet does a great job of getting ideas out, it can twist intents, very easily.

You know what...I copletely agree.

If we were in person having a chat, I bet we would have never had any isses. You are 100% right that text over a forum or email lacks the emotions that clearify the words in which are spoken.

To that I am sorry as well for being a jerk, like I mentioned before...I don't control my temper as well when tired especially online hehe. :wink:

I do and still thank you for the help...any is always appreciated. :)
AnubisDiver, please . . . take a deep breath and stop giving knee-jerk defensive responses.

What has become very clear to all of us is that you dive with or know SeaJay; he has told you Fundies is a wonderful class. You know very little about what the class is, or what DIR diving is. That's okay -- we all started there. But you have been given links to read, to learn more about the subject. It really isn't very nice to ask about Air2s in the DIR forum -- we more or less expect people to have done at least a little homework, before they come here and ask questions. And when they do, we would really like a little respect given to the people who take their time to write cogent, informative answers (and not all the answers in this thread merit that description).

No, Fundies is not DIR. Fundies is the entry-level class, if you did not do your original training with GUE, into the "no longer termed DIR" system of diving. Fundies introduces the gear configuration, the idea of standard gases, the strong in-water skills, the concept of operating as a team, the gas management concepts, and a lot of other things. It's "DIR 101", and it's a fabulous class. Can you walk away from Fundies without deciding to pursue the DIR approach to diving? Sure! If all you learn is a frog and a back kick, you are still better for having done the class. But I think most people who take it come away with more than that . . . and the glimpse you get of what diving as a unified team is and can be, is enough to hook a lot of folks.

You need to understand that standardized gear is only one part of "DIR" diving. It is a strong core concept, but far from the biggest new idea you will find in Fundies. Lots of folks can dive a Hog setup and not be remotely DIR. At its core, DIR is team diving -- diving with buddies who are equipped the same, trained the same, who think the same and communicate the same. There is tremendous strength in this, and that strength is diluted every time you make an independent decision to depart from the system.

As Dan Volker so articulately says, if all anybody ever did was 30 foot reef dives, there would be no DIR. That is not to say that the system doesn't make a 30 foot reef dive free of stress and more fun -- it DOES. It's just that it is possible to execute a 30 foot reef dive in many different ways, all of which will be successful and safe. The deeper, darker, and more challenging the dive, the more important it becomes to have a really solid, safe approach to doing it. The beauty of DIR is that it works fine at 30 feet on a quiet reef. It works equally well at 90 feet on a current swept pinnacle in the middle of freaking nowhere off the California coast, or a mile back in a cave in Mexico, or at nearly 400 feet on the Atlanta project.

it's a very good system. If you want to do Fundies, do it. Please do not draw conclusions about the system until you have, and you know more about what it actually is in practice. And after you have taken the class, you may want to revisit this thread, and write some apologies to people who know what they are talking about, and have actually been trying to be helpful.
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..... :)

My last post here... wasn't my intention to cause issues.

Thanks to y'all that helped, it was greatly appreciated. :)

Sorry about posting in the wrong forum and causing problems.

Just delete this thread and save everyones sanity. :D

To all...dive long.

PS. (Addition) - Sorry to all that I bitched at. Under different circumstances, I am sure it would never have happened. Have a good one. :)

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Have done a small amount of moderation on the thread, to remove some of the personal and/or off-topic responses.

If you feel that a post is off-topic or otherwise contravenes our site TOS, then please REPORT IT. The Mod staff will act accordingly.

Do not take matters into your own hands, as that only leads to further TOS breaches and does nothing to calm a flamed situation.

If you have a personal grievance with another member, that is not actually related to a breach of TOS, then a polite PM can often make far more progress towards resolution than any amount of public postings.

Lastly, the Advanced Diver forum may not be in the 'green zone', but site rules on politeness, flaming, trolling, abuse etc ALL STILL APPLY HERE.

Thanks, Andy
I have to say, for a thread which starts with bait like: "GUE is the best in the world", this discussion has been depressingly civilised.

Careful what you wish for, eh?
Lynne, beautifully written as usual.
It really isn't very nice to ask about Air2s in the DIR forum -- we more or less expect people to have done at least a little homework, before they come here and ask questions.

Isn't this the Advanced Diving Forum (in which case the posting rules are not as strict), not the DIR Forum, or did this thread get moved here?
..... :)

My last post here... wasn't my intention to cause issues.

Thanks to y'all that helped, it was greatly appreciated. :)

Sorry about posting in the wrong forum and causing problems.

Just delete this thread and save everyones sanity. :D

To all...dive long.

PS. (Addition) - Sorry to all that I bitched at. Under different circumstances, I am sure it would never have happened. Have a good one. :)

No way. This will be save for posterity and likely referenced when the next noob makes the same monumental "discovery".

You will see this thread again if you stick around :wink:
Isn't this the Advanced Diving Forum (in which case the posting rules are not as strict), not the DIR Forum, or did this thread get moved here?

I believe it was started here.
Oops, my error; it IS in the Advanced forum and I knew that, because I actually commented on it earlier. I guess it's okay to ask about Air2s in a thread about Fundies in the Advanced Forum :shakehead:

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