fisherdvm:Hey.... this is the SAME study I quoted: Still the same critique I will give... Too darn small sample size. Age and sex of the participants were not noted. But that does not mean I discount it, we just need to have more than 1 study.
Just remember we had a complete reversal of the former recommendation for hormone replacement in postmenapausal woman of 15 years ago. We once thought that it decreased heart attack, decrease alzheimer, etc... Now we did a 180, and said that it increased heart attack, increased breast cancer, etc. .... And the study was done with thousands of participants.
We can not rest on this singular study of 11 participants.
Back on topic.........
Not only that but if I remember correctly, the subjects were
only exposed to a single simulated dive. Many folks,
including myself, state that they "feel better" after multiple dives in
a single day not after a single dive. For me personally, if I were only
doing 2 dives in a day, I'd just stick to air if there was a cost
differential but for 3,4,5 or 6 dives in a day, Nitrox makes
a difference for me.
Plus this "dive" in the study was not a "real world" dive profile
based on an actual profile done by a diver used to drive
the chamber.
i.e. it was a single descent and slow ascent at the end.
Not sure about the rest of you folks
but that isn't anything close to any of my dive profiles.
Sure I can start deep and move up and do slow ascents,
but my profiles are not linear and flat like what appears these
subjects were exposed to. Mine have some variation to them
including some amount of minor ascents & descents.
I walked away from reading this study very disapointed
and thought that it was performed by someone that was trying
to prove that nitrox had no benefit vs someone actually trying to
determine if there was a benefit.
--- bill