Do you use a wetsuit in CZML?

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March break we all took 7mm's. 120 steels = long a**ed dive times and I like not to be cold. They took some washing every day however, no way I could hold it in being in the water that long. :blush:
We are LavaCore fans, I use a 3mm (2.5mm) suit year around but wife gets cold after several dives so she takes a 3mm vest along in the winter. She never could get used to a hoodie. Another option If you have extra $$$ (like ~$500) you can but a heated skin. My wife LOVES hers. They are battery operated and have Hi-Med-Low, and she wears it under your lavacore top.
Thanks everyone. This is exactly what I was asking for. SB is the best :)
I'm usually always in full 5mm this time of year in Cozumel. Late Jan/Feb the water can be 78f. Multiple dives a day longer than 70 minutes and I get chilled easily even with lots of bioprene... :-) Unfortunately my 5mm is more like a 2.5mm at this point from being used in pool and being old.

I'm actually bringing my full 7mm with me this trip. I do think it will be overkill but I need a little extra buoyancy for my rebreather. In anything less than a full 7mm I am like a boat anchor.

I'll be diving in mexico next month and have never been there before.
When I did my OW checkout dives we were diving in water that was 70 degrees and I was shivering because I was so cold.
I was wearing a 5mm full suit boots, gloves etc...
i'm 5'7" and 120 lbs.

My questions are:

"What kind of suit do you dive in or do you even dive with a suit at all? "
"If you are the same size as me do you use a suit?"

*I know that it's preference I just want to see what everyone else is doing*

I dive Coz with a 3mm full, booties and a neoprene beanie.

My wife dives a 3/2 full and hood in the summer.

Last winter she dove Lycra tights, a rash guard, a lavacore, a 5mm neoprene bathing suit, hood and the 3/2 full.
It's all about what it takes to make you cold. A while back someone on one of my photography forums was asking advice for cloths needed to "survive" a planned trip to Calgary where he predicted temps as low as -10 C. He thought he'd need arctic survival gear to be able to get out to do his photos which brought out a lot of hecklers. -10 C to most Canadians means a light jacket & sweater but to a southerner it's a very different dress code.
It's all about what it takes to make you cold. A while back someone on one of my photography forums was asking advice for cloths needed to "survive" a planned trip to Calgary where he predicted temps as low as -10 C. He thought he'd need arctic survival gear to be able to get out to do his photos which brought out a lot of hecklers. -10 C to most Canadians means a light jacket & sweater but to a southerner it's a very different dress code.

Exactly. When I first came to Texas I was amazed at the Texans who broke out the Fur-lined Parkas as soon as it dropped below 50 F. For me, 45 F to 55 F is still just sweater weather. But then I recalled my years at Michigan State in East Lansing, when most of us thought the winters were cold. But the student from the far northern tip of Hokaido, Japan, was still wearing shorts well into December. All depends on what you are used to.
It's all about what it takes to make you cold. A while back someone on one of my photography forums was asking advice for cloths needed to "survive" a planned trip to Calgary where he predicted temps as low as -10 C. He thought he'd need arctic survival gear to be able to get out to do his photos which brought out a lot of hecklers. -10 C to most Canadians means a light jacket & sweater but to a southerner it's a very different dress code.

Wind and standing still is what makes me cold.
I havn't had a car with heat in it for like 3 years and I have not really had any problems.

On my checkout dives we were sitting still in the water for some time because we were having to wait on our other divers to do and demonstrate skills. When we started to actually cruise and venture I got warmer. I was wearing a 5mm full and lavacore gloves. We had to get in and out like 4 times so that also attributed to me shivering underwater and using up a lot of air. I'm going to be getting a bandana or something to keep my ears and head warm.
is anyone in Coz right now??

how cold is the water now? Jellies all over?

I'm heading to Coz on Jan 5th.... could use some info!

Water temps now generally run 79-81 F on the surface and drop down about 4 degrees F at depth. As for what cold is Saskatoon is the COLDEST place I have lived. Winter there can be brutal.

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