I am planning an excursion to check out a2z actually as Amy has been very helpful. I am a little suprized at how many dive shops there are around that I was unaware of. I seem to just keep running into threm. NWSD, Lighthouse, UWS, one on 15th and about 7oth or so in Ballard (were closed the one time I stopped but had cool looking metal dive helmets that I wanted to wear and then make robot noises) found one i think called seattle scuba on lake union not far from Discount Divers new location (not sure HOW new but new). It is also amazing how one in particular was pushy about just buying fancy stuff and getting out, one was helpful but I think gave some bad info, Dan at NWSD has been great, and a few I havent even been in. If I could get into one that is fairly affordable, I am not a millionaire, I would like to purchase my own well fitted wet suit in the near future selling on ebay to drum up some cash) and was looking custom ( but someone pointed out the ones on their website look kinda baggy and although that may not matter as much in Florida I guess it would here. So I will need to start trying them on soon, will stop by a2z thanks for the recommendation ddraffin.