Marm, if you decide to stay outside SABANG, Little Laguna and Big Laguna (the tourist areas) and arrange transportation to the dive center, you probably can make it for under 500$. But then you'll be isolated a bit. In these places, if cleanliness isn't your main priority, maybe also. if you have high standards, it's going to cost more than 500$...
6 weeks for the DM, IDC and more? Honnestly, I think you're pushing it a bit too far. I found 5 weeks for my rescue and DM course to hardly be enough. if you can, I think you should be looking for longer term education with internships... As for the price of the IDC courses, sorry can't help you! You'll have to do some shopping!
6 weeks for the DM, IDC and more? Honnestly, I think you're pushing it a bit too far. I found 5 weeks for my rescue and DM course to hardly be enough. if you can, I think you should be looking for longer term education with internships... As for the price of the IDC courses, sorry can't help you! You'll have to do some shopping!