Dixie Divers Memorial Day Weekend Trip to Key Largo

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when im sleepy and avoiding homework.... yeah... its scary
I dont wanna be happy and content... its more fun to be annoying to denise... oh I cant wait until this trip


So you know, the schedule was done the way Denise posted for one reason, and one reason alone, to accomidate the free dive with Crystal Clear. If we do wreck dives on Saturday and aren't back in time, we cannot do our PM dive w/ them.

If you can come up with a better solution, by all means, please do so. But, beware as we're trying to finalize plans so this thread doesn't reading 1000 posts. So draw up a plan, call the dive shops if you have to, and find out if they can have us back in time for 1pm dive with another dive shop!
If you plan on calling Ocean Divers, please remember the Golden Rule- He who has the gold rules. Unfortunantly or fortunantly for some, this rule applies to our trips with Ocean Divers. I have laid out the deposit for the Sat morning dives (Sunday as well). Not trying to be anal, but from a business prospective, the dive shop is gonna do what the group leader says.
So what I am saying is, PM your request to me and I'll work with the shop. I sortof understand the issue at this point, but Frank is correct, I can't wade through 1000 posts to find the issue.
Ok, so i've got a list of things to work on between now and may.

1. AOW cert
2. Nitrox cert
3. Get my SAC down to like, .2 :D
Ok, so i've got a list of things to work on between now and may.

1. AOW cert
2. Nitrox cert
3. Get my SAC down to like, .2 :D

Well, 1 & 2 can be taken care of April 14-15.

As far as 3 goes, I'd have to see you dive to understand why your not low on the SAC rate anyway! Diving is supposed to be slow paced, but I see alot of divers going really fast, which takes up energy and air.

Just slow down your kicks etc and your SAC will drop alot... I'm new to diving yes, but I read ALOT :)
I know this is probably to late But my townhouse is open from Sat May 26th - June 3rd. And with two floors and a place for 10 people to sleep two bathrooms. And even a place to hang your wetsuits & gear to dry. Lets see 10 people at $125.00 Flat rate a night the cost per person per night is NO JOKE $12.50 a night. I know for a fact their is no place in the world you can find a place to stay for that cost. You can see my pictures on a few different sites one is www.msnusers.com/rentalunit click pictures, just above the album you will see 49 pic showing click that. or you may go to my VRBO site but just remember that the VRBO prices are not your prices
www.VRBO.com search # 110769 for more details on townhouse.
If you would like to book the townhouse please give me a call at 305 587-1925
Thank You
Honestly, I looked at your condo as an option, the only problem is we would need it Friday 25th. Most places in Largo require a 2 night stay, so staying with the place we are with now was our only option.

If your place was opened on the 25th, you can bet your spear that we would have for sure talked about using it :D

I know this is probably to late But my townhouse is open from Sat May 26th - June 3rd. And with two floors and a place for 10 people to sleep two bathrooms. And even a place to hang your wetsuits & gear to dry. Lets see 10 people at $125.00 Flat rate a night the cost per person per night is NO JOKE $12.50 a night. I know for a fact their is no place in the world you can find a place to stay for that cost. You can see my pictures on a few different sites one is www.msnusers.com/rentalunit click pictures, just above the album you will see 49 pic showing click that. or you may go to my VRBO site but just remember that the VRBO prices are not your prices
www.VRBO.com search # 110769 for more details on townhouse.
If you would like to book the townhouse please give me a call at 305 587-1925
Thank You
Yes we need a Friday night place to stay. We are under contract for a place already, but no penalties until 30 days out. Think you might know if we can get in to your place in the next month or so?

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