Dixie Divers Memorial Day Weekend Trip to Key Largo

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What is buoyancy again?

I think it's the effect of the ice in your bourbon floating atop the glass.
OK someone give me a contact of Who you spoke to and when to get the information from Ocean Divers. I'll try and call around lunch tomorrow and book for 10 divers under my name. We will work out the dive details. The dives will be Sat morning and dives Sunday morning and afternoon. Frank, please go ahead and confirm with Cristal our dives on Saturday pm. Dives on Monday and night dives can be worked out when we get down there. I am ready to dive!
Ok, Michaelynn w/ Cristal says the Christ statue isn't that great... so we may want to rethink that dive. Other than that, she said she needs for me to forward to her everyones information. Here's what we need (I'm sure we need this for Ocean Divers as well):

Last, First:
City, State Zip:
Phone #:
Agency, Certification #:
Certification Level:
Scubaboard ID:

She did book us for 10 divers on May 26th though :D
The above would be a perfect example of why we need a mailing list in place... this is a public forum, it's much easier to manage emails than PM messages! =P
Howard, you need to talk to Annie at Ocean Divers and book us for Saturday am and Sunday am & pm. Brandy, Donna, Andy and I will all be doing the Spiegel Grove. Kayla, Brandy's daughter, may sit that dive out. Then Brandy and Kayla will do the alternate dive Sunday afternoon when we dive the Duane.

You are right Frank, Ocean Divers needs that info as well. If everyone would please get that information to Howard and Frank I think we will be set for now. :)

Howard can post about Ocean Divers cancellation policies and he will be needing all of us to paypal him the cost of our dives by the end of the cancellation date because his credit card would be charged at that point whether you show up or not.:)

Since we will be using 2 different dive shops on Saturday, and the charters that take wrecks out usually take a little longer to get back in, we need to do the Spiegel Grove on Sunday morning with Ocean Divers rather than Saturday so we will make sure we get back in time to get to Cristal charters. Also, the same boat on Sunday from Ocean Divers will probably go out to the Spiegel Grove and then to the Duane, so we won't have to worry about scheduling conflicts or switching our gear from one boat to the other.
Saturday Morning:
Ocean Divers
Snapper Ledge and Aquarium (all divers)

Saturday Afternoon:
Cristal Charters
Shallow Reefs (to be determined) (all divers)

Sunday Morning:
Ocean Divers
Spiegel Grove and Captain's Choice(usually Benwood) /or Eagle Ray Alley and Sand Island

Sunday Afternoon:
Ocean Divers
Duane and Molasses Reef /or Snapper Ledge and Pickles Reef
Info sent to ya, Frank
So are we sure there is no way to do the grove on Sat morning? Last time I was there the wreck trips were actually quicker, because people tended to get out before the 'hour timelimit' was up, whereas on reefs people tend to push it.
We are BOOKED! I booked the dives below. I'll need the information mentioned earlier. I got Brandy's information already. I have to complete a manifest for all divers. I am sure it will be similar information that Cristal charters requires.

Frank, Thanks for setting up the mailing list. Now you gotta teach me how to use it!


Saturday Morning:
Ocean Divers
Snapper Ledge and Aquarium (all divers)

Saturday Afternoon:
Cristal Charters
Shallow Reefs (to be determined) (all divers)

Sunday Morning:
Ocean Divers
Spiegel Grove and Captain's Choice(usually Benwood) /or Eagle Ray Alley and Sand Island

Sunday Afternoon:
Ocean Divers
Duane and Molasses Reef /or Snapper Ledge and Pickles Reef

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