Dixie Divers Memorial Day Weekend Trip to Key Largo

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personal info also PM'd, howard
So are we sure there is no way to do the grove on Sat morning? Last time I was there the wreck trips were actually quicker, because people tended to get out before the 'hour timelimit' was up, whereas on reefs people tend to push it.

I'm sure Ocean Divers will try to accomodate any changes if at all possible. We will just have to make sure that the timing all works out for the Cristal charter trip as well:)

Now, everyone make happy before I have to pull out the bull whip before this trip even gets underway.:wink: Lets think thoughts of warm tropical breezes, tropical water flowing with infinite sea life and wrecks to explore, margaritas at sunset...I want smiles everyone, smiles...:D :D
So if I understand you right denise... there is a chance to do the grove on sat morning?

I am grinning too... it cant get here soon enough
So if I understand you right denise... there is a chance to do the grove on sat morning?
I am grinning too

Please.....somebody hold me back........I am going after the whip.....(searching, searching).....I could not find the proper smiley to show my remorse for the fact that I must beat the :censored: out of utdivermatt to make him :ignore:

Okay, Now I'm grinning again :D

(Just kidding :wink: ......Yes, we will make every conceivable effort to accomodate your every whim on this diving excursion):D :D :D
I dont wanna be happy and content... its more fun to be annoying to denise... oh I cant wait until this trip
I dont wanna be happy and content... its more fun to be annoying to denise... oh I cant wait until this trip

At the rate you are going sweetie, you will never MAKE it to this trip :D

(I have connections....I know where you live.....I beat your address out of the coordinator):D
At the rate you are going sweetie, you will never MAKE it to this trip :D

(I have connections....I know where you live.....I beat your address out of the coordinator):D

Come on up... divings great here right now. 45 degrees for todays dive. MMMmmm Toasty.
Isn't it past your bedtime...matt :D need me to tuck :bash: you in ??

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