Dixie Divers Memorial Day Weekend Trip to Key Largo

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I'm sitting here thinking about the upcoming dives and I'm getting more excited as each day passes! So here's what I'm thinking... How about everyone visit this website:


Calculate up your SAC rates, do 5 dives where you know you had good bottom time, and get your average SAC rate. ((SAC1+SAC2+SAC3+SAC4+SAC5) / 5) Then, pairing up for dives will be easier for everyone.

I am not an air hog... so I like my bottom time =)
I'm coming up with .64 average, but I know it's better than that.

I'm using an AirZ computer and it doesn't give average depth w/o the Memomouse! ARGH!

So I'm having to guess on what my average depth is... I'll see about getting my homemade interface working!
Honestly, I looked at your condo as an option, the only problem is we would need it Friday 25th. Most places in Largo require a 2 night stay, so staying with the place we are with now was our only option.

If your place was opened on the 25th, you can bet your spear that we would have for sure talked about using it :D

Well i haven't nailed down what it is yet... i've done as good as .38 when i was comfortable in 58* water, up to .59 in 48* water..... i'm probably averaging in about the .45 right now, in cold water. And alot of that has to do with how much air i suck down initially upon entering the water and getting that nice icewater down my back. In warm water I imagine i'll be much lower.... but i hope to get my cold water SAC down to .3 or below
I just figured mine and the are down to between a .68 and .64.Which is better than a month ago when they were a .8.
The things you guys find to amuse yourselves.:D
Hey you told us to stop talking about urination, sooo...

:shakehead I am sure glad you guys have your own condo......the ones staying in our condo are house trained :D
:shakehead I am sure glad you guys have your own condo......the ones staying in our condo are house trained :D

But Denise, Aren't you gonna allow us to visit?

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