Hello, DiveMistress.
If you are going to dive with a male dive buddy, just remember that your dive buddy could become a major liability to you as well.
I am a guy, and when I buddy up with other guys, I try to make sure my buddy and I are about the same size and strength. This makes rescue easier, and that way one of us cannot overcome the other in a panic situation.
You may want to make sure to take a rescue class, so that you are well trained to handle the "neanderthals" that God created when He created Adam and his sons after him.
When I scuba with my sweetie, a tall thin woman who weighs about 75 lbs less than I do, I remember that in an emergency she may not be able to completely help me. So I treat it like a solo dive, and I make sure I have taken the precautionary measures of solo diving, so that I could rescue myself if I had to. I choose conservative dive sites, and I choose safe activities.
The best answer for "co-ed" scuba diving is two buddy teams comprised of two couples, who stay together and do not get separated. That way, if one of the guys gets in trouble, there are 3 other people who could help him, not just you alone.
Food for thought.
Dive safe, and have fun too!
If you are going to dive with a male dive buddy, just remember that your dive buddy could become a major liability to you as well.
I am a guy, and when I buddy up with other guys, I try to make sure my buddy and I are about the same size and strength. This makes rescue easier, and that way one of us cannot overcome the other in a panic situation.
You may want to make sure to take a rescue class, so that you are well trained to handle the "neanderthals" that God created when He created Adam and his sons after him.
When I scuba with my sweetie, a tall thin woman who weighs about 75 lbs less than I do, I remember that in an emergency she may not be able to completely help me. So I treat it like a solo dive, and I make sure I have taken the precautionary measures of solo diving, so that I could rescue myself if I had to. I choose conservative dive sites, and I choose safe activities.
The best answer for "co-ed" scuba diving is two buddy teams comprised of two couples, who stay together and do not get separated. That way, if one of the guys gets in trouble, there are 3 other people who could help him, not just you alone.
Food for thought.
Dive safe, and have fun too!