Diving with men

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Hello, DiveMistress.

If you are going to dive with a male dive buddy, just remember that your dive buddy could become a major liability to you as well.

I am a guy, and when I buddy up with other guys, I try to make sure my buddy and I are about the same size and strength. This makes rescue easier, and that way one of us cannot overcome the other in a panic situation.

You may want to make sure to take a rescue class, so that you are well trained to handle the "neanderthals" that God created when He created Adam and his sons after him.

When I scuba with my sweetie, a tall thin woman who weighs about 75 lbs less than I do, I remember that in an emergency she may not be able to completely help me. So I treat it like a solo dive, and I make sure I have taken the precautionary measures of solo diving, so that I could rescue myself if I had to. I choose conservative dive sites, and I choose safe activities.

The best answer for "co-ed" scuba diving is two buddy teams comprised of two couples, who stay together and do not get separated. That way, if one of the guys gets in trouble, there are 3 other people who could help him, not just you alone.

Food for thought.

Dive safe, and have fun too!
Dive with men...dive with women.

Who cares about the sex......as long as they know what they're doing.

Guess that's why I choose to dive alone most of the time!
call me chauvanistic or chivalrous ,but if a woman dives with me (not necessarily my dive buddy)she gets royalty treatment by me . i do not think i am overbearing (at least i have not been told that) but i do cater to the fairer sex . i feel that as i do not need help with my gear neither should the other men .but i will help as needed . i just focus more on helping out the women so they have an enjoyable time. no i am not looking for something in return either.
gsxr1997 once bubbled...
call me chauvanistic or chivalrous ,but if a woman dives with me (not necessarily my dive buddy)she gets royalty treatment by me . i do not think i am overbearing (at least i have not been told that) but i do cater to the fairer sex . i feel that as i do not need help with my gear neither should the other men .but i will help as needed . i just focus more on helping out the women so they have an enjoyable time. no i am not looking for something in return either.

Any more posts like that and you will have more female dives buddies than you'll know what to do with!!

Now you just have to add more to your profile.... you got me interested!
This thread really caught my attention. I'm a woman and dive purely with men for no other reason than the fact that i only really know male divers. I started diving with my husband... we have a great time together and there never has been an issue. I don't expect the men to carry my tanks or help with my equiment. In fact, most of the time, I'm the one doing all the work lol.

All this to say that once you're underwater, the only difference between a man and a woman is the P-valve. hehehe...

I wish all men and woman would just realize that when diving it all comes down to skills, experience and comfort level.

As long as everyone is comfortable with one another the dive should go great!

well jenny , i am new to the board but from what i have read so far you may not want to see a profile as i do wear speedos!!
To each their own, if that is the kind of pic you want to post, I am sure you will get a different type of woman responding to you than when you say you are chivalrous!
Enjoy the boards, I have met some really cool dive buddies and am in the process of meeting more and more all the time-male and female. Hopefully one day I will meet a permenent male dive buddy. He won't have to carry my tanks, but it would be nice if he offered!
all kidding aside its nice to chat with you jenny
You're quite welcome.

If you ever make it to this coast, look me (and the rest of us divers up)- always game for a beach dive!

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