Liquid, Sorry, didnt realise you were waiting on me. Thought you and Syrus pretty much klilled the thread as getting too heated...Give me a few to scroll back and re-read...
Ok, ermmm, well after re-reading...I'm still not sure what you are waiting on from me. Can you be a little more specific?
I was very pleasantly surprised to see that you responded nicely (I might even go so far as to say apologetically) in your follow up. This alone increased my respect for you in particular and re-enforced my opinion that SCUBA people in general are nicer, more educated, and a better over all class of people.
I still think you over value "instructor learning" over "self learning" as a general principle instead of a case by case basis but at least you do it with reason and criteria.
As for the insurance thing...No medical procedure costs anything. You can not be refused emergency treatment because you don't have insurance. Nor do you have to pay for treatment if you don't have the money. That is at least in the USA. And most other countries I've been to medicine is socialized and doesn't cost anything either. So, the insurance issue is a moot point.
We are in agreement on the Resort Dive issue and was surprised to read the rules on such where you are located. I think that is a great thing and now I'm more educated on it to boot.
I think the summary given by you and Syruss to "close" the thread as it were was accurate and well surmised.
Am I missing something else?
P.S. Oh, and one last thing, I'd like to point out that my personal E-mail box was flooded with at least 25 e-mails from people on this subject telling me how they agreed with me to one extent or another but were uncomfortable posting publicly their feelings on the issue. I did not recieve a single E-mail indicating a disagreement. Just a little bit of interesting information there.