What you say sounds really bad to me.
First of all, abut the course-
I took it that after 2.5 hours in the pool and a test you were certified. That how I understood what you said.
As for the price-
You mean that to get an o/w cert costs there about 600$?!?!?!? WOW!
here it costs about 300$-400$ the whole thing.
Note that pool work can take 2 days, acording to the standards I mentioned- Up to 2 scuba dives a day. snorkeling dosen't count as scuba. So it's a minimum of 2days pool+ 2 days o/w.
About the lessons,
Working the way you suggested leads to mal-knowledge. People dont alwais understand the things correctly, though they think they do. I know it from experience. PADI and SSI books aren't that different to make this the couse. Things like using the time table should be practiced in class, and things like decompression and barotrauma must be discussed further in order that students really understand it. I mean UNDERSTAND, not able to pass the test. In my opinion the test is B.S. When a student of mine finishes the course, I expect him to understtand why he should ascend at 3 Meters/min rate, what will probobly happen to him if he makes an emergency ascent from 30M, how to really know if he is properly weighed and so on and so on (btw-do you know the answer to all of these questions?) things that are not, and can not be discussed in a book.
As for the way you refer to insurance,
Sorry, but I cant seriously take what is said by someone that this is his view regarding insurance. You are counting on schaming hospitals!? What kind of a way is that?!?!?!?