Originally posted by Liquid
I'm going to be blunt here, for several reasons, amongst them your assumption that all instructors are bad and worth nothing, it offends me, as an instructor.
Who the hell do you think you are to give such advices?
what kind of training have you gone through?
What kind of knowledge about the risks involved do you have?
If bobb had gone with the dive, and something went wrong, how would YOU feel!?
An instructor can see things that another diver will not. Doing anything without proper training, beside being danegerous leave you without insurance cover, for the case that something DOES go wrong.
WHOA! Hold on here Liquid. Im sorry if you got the impression that I was saying every (or even MY) instructor was bad and/or worthless. Instructors are very important to allot of people. What I was implying was that everyone learns best from different methods.
WARNING GROSSLY EXAGGERATED EXAMPLE: Some people, no matter how many times you show them, are incapable of learning to tie their shoe. These people aren't stupid. Give them the same exact directions written down, with a diagram, and a light goes on over their head and suddenly they can untangle the Gordian Knot!
As for what advice I gave? The advice I gave was that each person had to make these choices for themselves. Which I believe is a whole LOT better advice than telling people they are to ignorant and unevolved (as some where suggesting with Darwin comments. Or were those comments only suggesting that they just shouldn't be permitted to breed?) to make choices for themselves.
As for whom my instructor was; I do not wish to go into specifics but I am quite satisfied that his credentials placed him in the top 10 accredited instructors in the world even though his methods may have been wrong for me.
I would also like to point out that I was under the impression that Bob's 'Son' was an adult son and not a child son. I know this is a small difference but it does mean that two ADULTS are making a choice one way or the other for themselves. HOWEVER, as ScubaBaby pointed out, I failed to consider the fact that Bob's son would be less than ideal to assist in the event that Bob experienced difficulties. So that is indeed another factor for them to take into consideration.
I gave A LOT of further thought to this topic since the thread started and came to some tentative conclusions.
1. Why are a majority of the dive community so quick to denounce any "unsanctioned" approach or thought about diving? The best answer I can think of is that Diving so far is a "self regulated" activity. Therefore, to maintain this classification, it is very important to be able to show any inquiring governmental agency that our behaviors / practices are not only high but probably more strict than anything they might impose. (I agree that the activity should be self regulated by the way and agree with the methods needed to ensure it remains so.)
2. Why does the idea of "Insurance Coverage" come up every time dive practices are discussed? Oh yeah, I forgot, we always have to make sure that if through my own action or inaction I hurt myself there is someone for me or my family to sue.
3. What about the "Resort Club Uncertified Diving" that takes place all around the world? How is this reconciled alongside the dive community's 'No unsanctioned / certified diving' policies? The only answer I can come up with is that we take a stance of hope and wishful thinking. That is to say we tell ourselves, "Well they are diving with a fully trained and certified instructor that will be there to cover any emergencies that arise." This is a fantasy. No way is a single person (usually a resort drifter who took the job on a 6 month contract so as to be able to spend paid time in a tropical local) leading 10 to 15 first time uncertified divers on rental equipment going to be the pinnacle of safety.
In closing, please know that I am not trying to insult anyone or even to offer my unqualified advice as to anyone's actions in or out of the sport of diving beyond "Be Smart and make informed choices". I was mearly stating an opinion for discussion purposess.