Diving to 130 ft ?

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Mike your video looked pretty good minus the lack of available light. But what we really want to hear is what your plan for the dive was. You knew you had this dive coming up, did you figure out how much air it would take to surface safely between two divers on one tank and what your turn pressures were? If you can say yes, I think across the board you'll earn some respect for a good planned dive and diving the plan.

I followed the divemaster, my nose to his fins. If there was any trouble he would make it all better including tucking me in and reading me a bed time story.
Damn, from the video it looks like you had few really risky places , where you cannot really move well with a standard size octo hose. With AL 80 this could turn into a really screwed up situation.
....We got to do the devil's throat dive. ....

I actually liked Devil's throat and if I had the data I would put this site in the simulator in a heartbeat.

AM (aka eDiver)
I thought I would follow up to this thread I started.

We got to do the devil's throat dive. I made a kind of crappy video, but it's mostly in real time so it is interesting in that regard.

Punta Sur - Devil's throat Nov 2009

My take on the dive- it ended up being well within our abilities. Nothing too crazy. I fully understand how most people's reaction after having done the dive ends up being that they would go on it again if they had to, but probably would not seek doing it again unless they have to.

The video will makes it appear darker then it was.

Thank you for the video!!! Looking at this, it appears that our fears for you were unfounded. I think I'd do it.

So there was a "pretend sea ray?" - Did you see it? I you sure they weren't narced? :)

Did you experience any narcosis?

Who was that with their gauges dragging? :)

Thanks again.
Just a side note to the questions in regard to the air planning.

We dove with steel 120s, mine was reading 3600 at the start of the dive and 3200 at the entrance to the throat, I ended the 58 minute dive with 1300 in my tank.

Avoiding bumping into deco times would be the greater concern, air planning was/is not even close to being an issue under the circumstances I dove in.
I presume you will be on an AL 80. Can't stay down at 130 very long if on an AL 80. You might enjoy a more leisurely dive if you stay shallower. I'm not sure if it would be worth it for a few minutes.

Also, since you are not familiar with the dive site, having gone that deep, narcosis and etc, you might suck up more gas than you would normally do. Again, your burn rate for gas will be higher as at depth the air you breathe is more condensed due to pressure. Also, what if someone panics at depth? You'll need reserve air for buddy too.

If you do it, consider nitrox, as you'll be one letter class lower on the dive charts.

Great advice - exactly what I was thinking......... (can you get EAN 24 or 28 at the resorts? 130fsw is pushing your luck if all they offer is EAN32)
Great advice - exactly what I was thinking......... (can you get EAN 24 or 28 at the resorts? 130fsw is pushing your luck if all they offer is EAN32)
I am sure most of them offer EAN 21. :D
My wife and I have roughly 45 dives each over the course of about 7 years of recreational vacation diving.

100ft is the deepest we have dived, with many logged dives to 80.

We are comfortable with diving but I'm wondering what the thoughts are in regard to going to 130ft for the first time.

The reason I ask is we will be diving in Cozumel this Thanksgiving and have plans of doing Punta Sur which goes to 130 ft.

I've never been able to detect any narcosis but I'm a little concerned about a 30% jump in diving depth.

I don't see any opportunity to go deeper incrementally at this point.

1. 130ft is being treated as if it is a big no no here.

2. 130ft is the recognized recreational diving limit.

With that stated for the record... there is no good reason to go to 130 ft on any dive unless there is something specific you're going down there for.

You state you're experienced divers and dive routinely to 80 ft and have maxed out at 100ft with no ill effects.

There are no guarantees - as narcosis impacts everyone differently - many people not at all. While that potential exists, I would not rate it as a major concern... especially since you've hit 100 with no apparent effect.

The jump is also not 30%.(well maybe it is in feet...) but not in increased pressure (which causes narcosis by increasing the partial pressure of nitrogen in your bloodstream.) The difference between 100ft and 130 ft is approximately 1ATM or 14.7psi of pressure or about a 5% increase from 1/4 at 99ft to 1/5th at 132ft.

I saw someone else mention to avoid Nitrox down there... they are of course correct.

If you decide to go - use Air Only... pay attention to your depth, watch for signs of narcosis and monitor your air supply. Plan your dive carefully and dive with your buddy... and enjoy yourself...

But again... unless you have a really good reason for going down there - why bother?

Most life on the reefs is always between 20-ft - 60ft.

You last three guys did follow the thread, didn't you???

Post #69 was the OP's post dive video post!!!
I saw someone else mention to avoid Nitrox down there... they are of course correct.

If you decide to go - use Air Only...
Just curious ...

Why wouldn't you use EAN28 for a 130-foot dive?

What are the down sides?

Most life on the reefs is always between 20-ft - 60ft.
That depends entirely on the type of life ... and the reef. I sometimes seek out life forms that don't generally start until you get below about 90 feet ... and don't start getting really interesting until you get down around 110-120.

Now, I am aware that this is the new diver's forum ... and don't advocate new divers going deep at all until they have adequate training and experience. I also agree that you shouldn't go deep unless there is something at that depth you specifically want to see. But I also don't believe in tossing out generalities without explaining why ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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