I just do not agree that you are as macho as you think! I too believe impairment is the point you are under nitrogen narcosis. I also believe that you are using "experts" to hide behind your own faulty reasoning.
Your experts say susceptibility to nitrogen narcosis varies (They do not quantify it; they just say it does vary). With this contention I do not disagree.
:nono: However, -YOU- say that you have been to 130fsw without being narced. With this, I DO disagree. :nono:
and I quote...
"I guess im more the exception, then the rule.. ive been on many deep dives and have never got narc'd, ive always been very aware of what is going on around me, and very alert, although ive never went deeper then 130'."
-I- say you are in denial and that denial will put you and your buddy into unsafe situations. Just because experts say susceptibility varies and -YOU- do not "feel" it, does NOT mean that -YOU- are not narced... it is a non-sequiter. Unless you have a gauge you cannot measure how impaired you are! My shoulder is my built in gauge. I can feel the pain just drain away. Other than that, nitrogen narcosis can be quite transparent to the victim. You may not realize you are narced until you kill yourself. A rational (ie safe) diver will consider that transparency and dive cautiously. A Yahoo will secretly believe that those natural laws are only for strokes and will use the "many" times he has been to a certain depth as proof of his invincibility. It seems that only death will finally convince him that he is wrong. You cant rely on luck to get you out of every dangerous situation. Of course, then all his buddies will call him a stroke and wonder how he lasted as long as he did.
As for GI Joe, I truly believe that he is the only one on this board that can go to 130fsw without being narced. And no, I don't think you rate with GI Joe. He has been diving longer than the two of us put together.
I do apologize to the board for taking up so much space on this subject. I do not want anyone to think that this erroneous line of reasoning is actually true. I want all divers to dive safely and WITHIN their limits. RStone, I do not wish to make an enemy of you either, I just STRONGLY disagree with your cavalier attitude concerning nitrogen narcosis. There is obviously nothing I can say to convince you to adopt a safer attitude, so I will comment no more in this thread.