Net Doc
I seem to have offended you, slightly I'm sure. I actually picked you as a proponent of the 'don't dive narced' school of though as I though you were not likely to take offence.
My apologies anyway.
What I was trying to do was gently ridicule the school of thought that suggests that if you experience narcosis, you are automaticually dangerous to yourself and others. I was making the absurd suggestion that we should not dive below 10m because narcosis is demonstratably present at that depth. I was making this suggestion to support the position that whilst we are all subject to narcosis, it does not become a problem until the effect reaches a level such that it affects our diving.
I would define 'narced' as precisely that point where the level of narcosis (due to nitrogen, oxygen or whatever) affects someones ability to dive safely - NOT the point at which an individual can detect the presence of some level of narcosis.
Again, the beer corollary: I define drunk as the point whereby I cannot legally drive, not the point where I first detect the signs of intoxication (which may be one crap american beer on a hot day

So, finally, my point.
EVERYONE is subject to some narcosis at X depth. However the depth at which this causes them to be affected to the extent that their diving (ie they are 'narced') is affected can differ markedly.
Therefore, using this definition of 'narced', it is quite true for people to say they are not 'narced' at 120 feet. Narcosis is present, yes, but it is not affecting their ability to dive competantly.
For myself, for what it's worth, I have a sliding scale.
Diving with someone inexperienced (ie less that 100ish dives) I won't go deeper than the depth at which I'm sure I have enough control to rectify any CF and bring them safely to the surface. This point is around 100 fsw - shallower on a cold dark wall, deeper on a nice warm light tropical dive.
Diving with experienced divers who I have dived with before, I'm generally comfortable into the 40m range.
Diving with a couple of divers who I have a lot of confidence in, and have dived with a lot, I'll push to 50ish m - providing we are both comfortable and the conditions are good. At this depth I can definately identify narcosis, but it is not sever enough to affect my ability to perform tasks which have been strongly overlearned.
I'll also not task load at these depths - ie I'll avoid stressful conditions and tasks beyond pointing my torch at the fish.
Perhaps I'm in that egyptian river of ill repute, and a danger because I'm 'narced'.
Or perhaps because I'm not afraid to admit that any dive below 20m is both a decompression dive, and narcosis is present, means that I do plan and practice for the conditions.
Who knows?