As a long time teacher and now therapist, I thought the dive master was competent and intuitive and she knew what I needed for this one day. I dove with her before during this week. Now that I've gotten over the hurdle over going past 35 feet, I would always dive with a computer or depth gauge, which I have always done before, but it's gotten me really anxious to have one before and I spent a lot of the dive looking at it and worrying.Well, dagnabbit.
Hard NO on the camera. You have other skills that require your attention first.
I can’t encourage you enough to get a computer or at the very least a depth gauge alongside your watch.
Hiring a guide to fulfill a basic individual responsibility (tracking one’s depth) is just silly.
What basic pilot training allows for outsourcing monitoring the altimeter? Yeah, I get the same answer - none.
If Janette hasn’t stomped her foot about this basic individual task, I won’t deny that she’s a kind soul that’s comforting and encouraging you but I will question her competency and duty to truly care. She’s tacitly endorsing dependency and I think that’s a DISservice rather than good customer service.
I’m glad you’re getting a computer. Please commit to learning to use it.
I do understand that I need to be independent and I'm getting a computer before I come back and I will figure it out before I leave home. I appreciate your caring.