Of course there are benefits if you profit of Nitrox for making longer dives, or more dives per day with shorter intervals. When you get these benefits, of course the balance between risks and benefits is in favour of nitrox.I don't normally disagree with you, but in this case....
(1) The benefits you ignore are longer bottom times and/or shorter Surface Intervals, or some combination. the additional risk that concerns you should be balanced against those benefits, not "no" benefits.
(2) Just as there is an Equivalent Air Depth concept, which means at what shallower depth with air would the PPN2 be the same as that for Nitrox at some greater depth, you can work that equation alternately to ask at what greater depth with air would the PPO2 of air be the same as with Nitrox at a shallower depth. Example: for Nitrox 32% at 20m, the PPO2 is 3x0.32=0.96. With air, you get the same PPO2 at 38m. So, diving 32% to 20m is no worse on your body (with respect to possible bad effects of O2) than diving to 38m on air.
But please, see instead my point: at my age I will never make more than one dive per day.
And the time-depth profile will always be at least 15-20 minutes away from NDL.
At this point all the benefits of Nitrox disappear, while the potential risks are still there.
I have nothing against Nitrox when it provides tangible benefits, but when it is useless, I do not see the point of insisting in using it.