The idea that short-term hyperoxia may be good for you seems to be gaining traction:
This is exactly the concept I was referring to: under medical control, high oxygen pressure is a great and powerful tool, exactly as a drug.
But I do not like the idea of exposing my body to a powerful medical treatment without medical control nor prescription: this is exactly the reason for which I do not assume any drug without previous suggestion by a medical doctor.
Think about radiotherapy: a powerful medical treatment killing cancerous cells. But do you expose yourself to ionizing radiations for no reason? Certainly not!
See also the recent posts by
@tursiops and others regarding oxygen toxicity for lungs (OTU).
I understand that with mild recreational profiles using Nitrox for just a pair of short dives per day is usually not a concern.
But my previous health problems made me very anxious about lung inflammatory processes.
So why getting exposure to high oxygen pressure, when it gives no advantage in terms of prevention of DCS, as the dive profile is still far away from NDL even if breathing air?
In such cases, I prefer air to Nitrox, as there is a small, but not negligible, cumulative effect on lung inflammatory processes, and no gain at all in preventing DCS.
And in any case my computer will be set to the exact mixture I am breathing.