There may very well be but if none of them are able to put together what I appear to be a packet of facts then I will not put enough faith in their story to believe it and will therefore not pass judgement either way.
Admittedly, the absence of a complete and telling set of facts that condemn the operator beyond all doubt allows some wiggle room. The fact, however, that multiple people are complaining about an operation is a clear indication that there is something wrong. Are expectations being set incorrectly, are unsafe practices being used, are they pricing or advertising themselves in a way to gather an audience more prone to dissatisfaction? Hard to say in the absence of facts. Maybe there are just a few people out there who are out to get this particular company?

If those of you who have been here longer can detect that the number of complaints against this particular operator is higher than the norm, though, then there's evidence enough for caution and concern. No one booking dives on vacation wants to come away dissatisfied with the experience, whether they have a right to be or not. In this particular thread, we have enough from an experienced diver that the operation wasn't set up to tend to the safety of an inexperinced diver. We had another very experienced diver say basically the same thing in a passing post with a few supporting details. While that doesn't make the operator responsible for this death, it would be enough fact to point me in another direction as an inexperienced diver seeking a safe experience.