PADI 5 STAR (Not from me got it from a good source)
It is not a rating. It's an advertising gimmick.
Prerequisites & Requirements With my comments in blue. Yes they are my opinions; accept or reject them as you please.
1. Have been a renewed PADI Dive Center for at least 12 months and have no verified PADI Quality Assurance violations within that period and no open quality assurance inquires in progress.
This means you've been paying dues for at least a year and haven't been caught violating standards.
2. Continue to meet all PADI Dive Center prerequisites and membership requirements.
You can't fall below the standards we set for those to whom we don't give 5 stars.
3. Have been awarded all three Dive Center Recognition Awards including: 1) Education, You get this for churning out lots of students (quality doesn't count, only numbers. It is important to keep students returning for more classes). You also must give all your business to PADI. You must buy all the training materials PADI sells. You can't win this award if you've been caught violating standards. 2) Community Involvement You sponsor 2 events. One promotes diving, the other promotes diver safety. 3)Environment. You get this by displaying Project AWARE info, include environmental info in newsletters, sponsor a beach cleanup, install a mooring buoy or sponsor a project that generates information about the aquatic environment. Teach a course on Peak Performance Buoyancy (a BS course IMHO), U/W Naturalist, Project AWARE or Research Diver.
4. Distribute regular communications pieces designed to recruit & retain customers.
5. Conduct at least one PADI Advanced O/W course, one PADI Rescue Dive course, one PADI DM or AI course and one PADI Specialty Diver course per year
Keep that $ coming.
6. Have issued at least 30% of total diver certifications for courses above the PADI O/W level.
7. Display items promoting dive travel, and promote dive experiences through various activities.
8. Conduct nontraining related local dive tours and/or dive travel trips.
9. Exclusively issue and advertise only PADI certifications for recreational scuba diving courses.
We donÃÕ make any money when you issue cards from other agencies. We want all your business.
10. Not conduct, sponsor or advertise any non PADI recreational scuba instructor training programs.
See # 9.
11. Use the PADI system of diver education as designed, including all PADI manuals©å..
You gotta buy all our stuff.
12. Ensure that all full-service dive operations in a multi-location operation are current PADI ©å(various types of PADI facilities are listed)
We want dues from everybody you work with.