Dive knifes still not allowed?

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My knife was checked through last December....had it on the boat when I was advised Nono....airport never asked coming or going.
I've never brought a knife, or any cutting tool. I've never seen the need for one down there. Gulf of Mexico? Never dive without one.
No knives, no gloves is not a new regulation and in my 17 years full-time here and going on 16 years of owning my dive shop, there has never, ever been a need for a knife for detangling or other reasons. That has been my personal experience and the experience of my crew and divers.
I carry sea snips scissors. Not sure if they are banned. I've used them to anchor myself in the sand against current and cut fishing line on coral on trips outside of Coz. Carrying an DSMB and spool, I think it is a good idea to have a cutting device.
Has anyone ever heard of anyone getting in trouble for carrying a trilobite?
Has anyone ever heard of anyone getting in trouble for carrying a trilobite?[/QUOTE
I dive Cozumel often (100+ dives a year) and have never seen the park boat come and check divers other than one time swinging by Palancar pier and checking for bracelets (and the ticket book came out and multiple boats got cited). The policing I have seen is by the Dive operators and they are pretty protective of the park. Basically what I see is blunt nosed knifes carried discreetly get a blind eye while Bowie knives are requested to be returned to your dive bag. I have never seen an issue with trilobite's or scissors.
this is interesting to read some of these comments. i have been to cozumel and playa several times. i have never had any dive op tell me i could not carry a knife in coz. i have always had a small knife and an eezycut tool with me.

when we dive the cenotes around playa we have been told by some guides that cutting tools are not allowed. i carry them anyway. if i was forced to leave them on land i would not dive.

funny story.....on one solo trip to coz i filled out the card at the airport stating i had a "weapon" with me. i always claim the knife when i travel even though most border guards kinda snicker when they see what it really is. i figure better to tell them it is there and be giggled at then not tell them and look like i was trying to hide it. anyway.....the guard who searched my bag found the knife and made me rewrite the card stating i did not have a "weapon". :(
What is it that the park thinks the divers are going to do with knives?

The park probably wonders what on earth you're going to do with it. Along those lines, if you've never had the experience of diving with a donkey in your group who doesn't misuse every piece of equipment in his/her possession, you are more fortunate than I.

Easier for the park to ban equipment that is extremely unlikely to be needed, than to give all divers an IQ test.

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