Dive knifes still not allowed?

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I recently began carrying a Gerber "Dime" tool that converts to long-nose pliers, wire cutters, etc. I never brought a knife before because it's not allowed in a carry-on but I started bringing a checked bag due to the rising cost of renting a BC. So, now that I can bring a knife it's not allowed. Hmmm.

I have worn gloves on my last eight dives in Cozumel and nobody said a thing, but that was December 2016. Is this, by any chance, a new rule that went into effect this year?

I chose the Gerber tool after seeing the video of a dolphin asking a diver to remove a fish hook on the Kona Manta Night Dive. I recently thought about considering the possibility of removing a fish hook from the mouth of a moray but for some reason decided not to. Possibly because my gloves are not very thick. Plus there was nobody there to video the event which could have turned out to be very entertaining.
I carry a 3 inch dive knife in one pocket and a trilobite on my harness. Got into a wad of fishing line last October and the trilobite was great. I had just bought it from dive Gear Express on sale for less than $20. Since then I picked up a set of shears as well. When it was all wound up on my hand...it was the size of a softball. Trilobite was definately better than a knife, shears would have probably been better than the trilobite for true one handed cutting. I know they are not allowed in the park, but again, never had a problem. It's a tool....not a weapon.

I still carry a small fast open pocket knife with me in Mexico. It's in with the dive gear in checked baggage until we clear customs. Never had a problem but I know it could be.

Safe travels,
I've removed dozens of fishing lines out of the marine park zone, fishermen may or may not have been attached to a couple of them. The standard dive sites are kept clean it appears. Getting tangled up in a few hundred feet of 50lb test or better isn't fun without a knife so I'd rather avoid the situation myself.

Tried to reel in fish by the trailing line to attempt unhooking him, missed my gloves sorely and failed my mission.

I had to unpack my knife this past December! I felt so naked!
Knives are banned. I carry a trilobite.

If you think it's worth the risk of getting in trouble with Mexican authorities over a weapon you don't need, just because other people have not had any "issues" with their knives, go for it.
To me it seems like the Trilobite could be considered a knife. Are you guys just assuming it's allowed in Mexico or is there a definition of a "knife" that verifies that this type of cutter is OK?

Are knives included in the list of things that we not allowed to bring in checked luggage to Mexico. I sure don't remember seeing anything about them. I knew they were not allowed in carry-ons. I'd better go read it again....
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Years ago on exiting Mexico in the Cozumel airport I was asked, at the ticket counter, if I had a dive knife. I said no. She said, "Do you have a dive knife in your checked luggage?" I said no. She said, "Are you sure?". I told her I was sure. (I never bring my dive knife.)
I have had Mexican airport security at Coz pull from my bag a small dive tool, in which the only "sharp edge" was a soft copper O ring pick. They told me that I could not carry a "dangerous weapon" on board.

Rather than let the gate goons pocket it to sell later, I walked back out to the airline sales counter, and found an agent who's bf dived, and gave it to her.

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