Amen to that, brother! Those people are the ones that stand around blocking the hallways at malls and airports and just won't get the #*$&#@ out of anyone's way.big dog13:Hi all,
I have not responded to many threads here but this one deserves something,
1) Keep your gear to a min. and in YOUR SPOT.
2) If you want a good spot i.e. certain side or on the bench then get to the boat early enough to get it DONT come up from the first dive and play musical spots cause if you take mine your gear is going over the side!
5) While we are on the subject politeness this should be extended to other passengers as well when you see someone walk toward you w/ hands full don't just stand there like some dumbass and wait for them to say excuse me and then roll your eyes cause you are too whatever to move, instead just be polite and move.
Unless it's in your spot? (see #2 above)big dog13:6) If it isn't yours than don't touch it ask first!
If your conservative air consumption allows you to remain in the water for a lot longer than the dive plan as explained to you by the DM (you were paying attention, weren't you?), and you do, and this costs the whole boat one more dive, and you never came back, I'm sure that would please everyone.big dog13:7) Air consumption; we all pay the same amt. to get on the boat if you are fortunate like my wife and I and can get 50 to 80 min. on a tank than that's great if not then you need to work on that aspect of your diving and quit whining and as far as the boat cutting the dive day shot by 1 or more dives because of this well all I can say is that would be the last time I went on that boat!