The best thing you could do is park your DH.
The DSV leaked badly, the cage valve must have been stuck, the intake hose flooded and shot water down my larynx causing me to have a laryngeal spasm, this at about 110 feet, switched to crappy pancake secondary, then, let's see, my computer quit just as I saw it went into deco since I could not go up, I could not inhale or exhale so I blacked out, I came back to at some point and somehow managed to inhale/exhale occasionally, made an ascent, dropped my spool, caught it after it unwound, nearly lost my camera but finally got it locked away, made it back to the surface, boat picked me up, bleeding from my mouth, told them I bit my tongue, had pneumonia for two months and three courses of antibiotics. More or less that is it. Quit diving DH regulators, that is my advice, for serious diving of any sort beyond fiddling about in a shallow swimming pool. That way it will not happen to you. I have had enough split hoses, leaky valves, water sputtering down my throat, after decades of DH, enough is now enough, time to move on.