DIR wars...Is it the name?

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And yet, somehow i don't want the Marine Corps to be teaching Calculus. Teaching people how to shoot an x-ring at 600 yards is one thing but teaching upper level math and sciences is a whole different cat.

I'm laughing my a$$ off just thinking about my DI trying to teach something like that.:)

Teaching higher skills? Buddy of mine taught at the Army Chemical School. He didn't have to be any nicer than the instructors in basic.
Want to go higher still? Another friend went to nuke power school.
He had the same textbooks as I did as an engineering student at a private university. Calculus, DiffEQ, Physics, all the same material, and his instructors were all hard cases.
It's perfectly reasonable to enter a debate with the intention of winning. What I'm talking about are people who are interested in winning and nothing else. The type of people who are unwilling to allow the possibility that they may change their mind during the course of the debate. I have never gotten into a debate about something where I didn't feel I was right and tried to sway the other person. That doesn't not mean, however, that I wasn't the one to be swayed.

In other words, when someone is unwilling to learn from losing.
I concur.
As I laugh at your posts again ,I think back to the way I would treat you when I was young. rest easy knowing that really intelligent people can get the point across in a CLEAR and CONCISE manner. Like the saying " Darwin cries for you"
Very clear and concise.

Concise, yes. Clear maybe. A point? Hardly.
Apparently your age has taught you little, except a verbal version of your former physical mode of response. When you're ready to stop the name calling and discuss the issues, I'll be glad to help you understand what side of the issue I'm on.
Novadiver ... if a Mod specifically prohibited you from posting on the DIR forum, I'd like to talk to you about it ... PRIVATELY! I'd like to understand exactly what it is you're claiming here, and see if I can't help you resolve the issue.

I won't do it in a public thread, however ...

An accusation has been leveled against those in power.
Rather than an open airing of the issue, the authorities
insist on discussing it behind closed doors, in a "star chamber."

Secrecy, one of the leading tools of tyranny.
There's a difference between debating and discussion.

Scubaboard isn't a courtroom. It is not our intention to allow our board to degenerate into something that is "adversarial by nature".

If that's what you're looking for, you're in the wrong place ... in which case a board like rec.scuba is much more appropriate for the sort of conversation you wish to engage in.

Debating is merely discussion where the parties do not agree.
Any discussion where conflicting ideas are presented is a debate, and is adversarial. Political correctness has confused adversarial with uncivil.

Oh, and I didn't say anything about what sort of conversation I wish to engage in.
An accusation has been leveled against those in power.
Rather than an open airing of the issue, the authorities
insist on discussing it behind closed doors, in a "star chamber."

Secrecy, one of the leading tools of tyranny.


This isn't a matter of "power" ... it's a matter of respect and discretion.

I'd do the same for you ... even if the respect wasn't (and isn't being) reciprocated.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Debating is merely discussion where the parties do not agree.
Any discussion where conflicting ideas are presented is a debate, and is adversarial. Political correctness has confused adversarial with uncivil.

Oh, and I didn't say anything about what sort of conversation I wish to engage in.

You don't need to ... it's obvious.

It's also becoming increasingly obvious that your style of conversation is at odds with what we want this board to represent. Eventually, we'll have to make a business decision.

Consider your choices.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Ah me ... that's what I get for operating from memory ... no intent to twist your words,

Right - your Freudian slip is showing.
That's what happens when you have an axe to grind.
Maybe you were a little too....adversarial?

but the gist of what's there still seems like a jab to me ...
Here's the pic in question ... http://www.scubaboard.com/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/8895/sort/1/cat/500/page/1

I looked. I don't see a jab. I see a poignant point.

So I have to ask ... "funny" to whom? In what way?

I don't see it as funny, but neither is it the jab you say it is.

You don't see anything like that when it comes to any of the other schools of diving, do you?

No, because the other schools are all caught up in the cult of self esteem.

Seems to me like the guy is making an honest effort at bouyancy control, who needs a little help in other areas. Most likely someone who's overcoming deficient training.

How so? First of all, you can't tell from a still photo whether he's rising, sinking, or neutral. Based on perspective and the background, if the bottom is level in that picture, his head is significantly above his feet. His octo and SPG are a textbook bad example of danglies, and I'm scared to think of what that loose strap behind his elbow is.

Rather than making fun of the poor fellow, perhaps you could've offered something constructive ... and left his picture off the Internet.

I think it's very constructive. Anyone who doesn't immediately get the intended message could ask a question, rather than make hostile, adversarial assumptions like you did. Those questions might create a great opportunity for someone to learn something. The subject of the photo probably doesn't even know it's there, so he doesn't even get his precious feelings hurt. Where's the catastrophe?

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