DIR wars...Is it the name?

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Excuse me, but I have EVERY right. I can tell them whatever I want. I can assert whatever I want. They also have the right to go on doing what they're doing and ignore what anyone tells them. One might just as well ask you exactly what right you have to tell me what I can tell people. Also, you might also want to read a little more carefully, since I haven't told anyone how to dive. I haven't stated a pro- or con- position on DIR. I've only commented on the nature of the controversy and people's responses to it. Thus, your substantive response so far fails, since it's technically not even a response.

Who? No one "makes up" a valid one. ANYONE may seek to discover/formulate it based on valid considerations of safety and practicality. You, me, GIII, anyone. However, if you seek to outline the right way, you are stuck with the choice of either defining deviations from your method as the wrong way, or being a liar to yourself and others.

Call you out? Are we in the third grade now? No one has called you out.
You posted a personal attack on me, because you didn't like what I had to say. I highlighted the nature of your post by pointing out that you were welcome to say something meaningful, with the implied message that when you did, I'd be happy to discuss it. you've made some effort, but so far, the results are disappointing, as the statement immediately below illustrates.

Where did I pass judgment? Again, are you even keeping track of WHO you are responding to? So far, your whole response is nothing but an emotional outburst of misdirected and confused anger at things I didn't even say.

Ah, so now it's an ego thing. "My dad can beat up your dad!" - is that what it's come to?

While I do have the nerve to do so, I'd like to know just where you think I have.

You REALLY have to stop making assumptions and keep it straight which poster you are responding to.

At last, a lucid assertion about diving. Congratulations!
My answer to this is yes and no. The value of all human communication is that we can learn from the experience of others. The approach you've just outlined would mean each person should design and build their own regulator, or that the next time you have an infection, you should discover penicillin all over again.

I wouldn't proclaim that too loudly, if I were you.

Way to go dweeb, you just took both sides of every issue.You are now the king troll on scuba board. your opinion does not matter because you have no opinion except the opposing opinion of anyone you talk too.

You also proved " darwin was wrong" unwanted DNA has a way of making it through the system.

So now if you don't mind.Please go troll on the highway, and salvage darwins reputation
Actually you did...

The problem with the DIR forum is that most of the regulars there are so on edge that the minute someone posts a question they scream "troll, troll, troll" and start hammering the report post button. They are on edge because so many people do go in there and start arguing with them. I have not problem with debate and will discuss pretty much anything with nearly anyone. In the course of doing so I've learned new things while strengthing my views on other topics. I have no interest however in arguing with people who have little interest in anything other than trying to prove I'm wrong.

But that's what debate is all about - trying to prove your opponent is wrong. It's adversarial by nature, like our justice system.
In the future please don't call me dude. Or I'll start a diatribe on the degradation of civilization by the young.

Dude, first of all, I find it interesting that you feel you can dictate to people how to TIR (Talk It Right). Do, you, dude, even know what dude means? Look it up. I think you'll find that you most likely fit at least one of the definitions :eyebrow:

Rhad the Rad
Derek S:
This is the crux of the whole thing right here. It is obvious that your ego is bruised over the fact that someone out there thinks you are "Doing It Wrong".

The irony is that the person he's addressing never even suggested anything about how he dives.
How about filling out your profile? So I'd know who I'm talking to. or you can leave it out and give me the impression that you are posting without the training.

What, so you can come up with more ad hominem material about him?
His profile is irrelevant - respond to his ideas.

In the future please don't call me dude. Or I'll start a diatribe on the degradation of civilization by the young.

FINALLY, you say something I can respect.
Dude, first of all, I find it interesting that you feel you can dictate to people how to TIR (Talk It Right). Do, you, dude, even know what dude means? Look it up. I think you'll find that you most likely fit at least one of the definitions :eyebrow:

Rhad the Rad

There really is a definition of the word DUDE, then civilazations degradation is now complete. please start a puppet alsewere
What boggles me is that it's become so contentious that even though DIR is supposed to be a continually evolving and adapting system, always open-minded and ready to change if provably better alternatives arise, the DIR section mods are now squelching even reasoned discussion of changes.

That's a function of the board, not the topic. That's why free speech is important. If there is power of censorship, it WILL be abused.
If there are moderators, they WILL be corrupted by their power. It's inevitable. They don't even have to have a dog in the fight; they may just want to prevent the fight itself. It's just like Fahrenheit 451; the road to tyranny is often paved with the best of intentions.
Way to go dweeb, you just took both sides of every issue.

You REALLY need to work on that reading comprehension. I have taken one side; the problem is you don't even begin to comprehend it. You might try, instead of the constant ad hominem outbursts, asking some directed questions. That way, we could get to the root of your failure to understand the point.

That you close with another personal attack indicates that you still haven't figured out how to formulate a substantive response. However, I have all the patience in the world, and I look forward to a meaningful discussion, once you figure out how it's done.
You weren't nearly as bad off as you think you were. The last dive you were really dialed into the team communication thing and it made for a great dive.]

I just need to make it clear. I had excellent dives. My last post was for all of those who oh so much like to flame people. I did not feel belittled by Overexposed2X statments they where great considering my thoughts where everywhere but in the same ocean as me.

Thank you for the compliments.

I was just trying to stop the flame button from wasting others peoples time.

As I said you both where dialed.
There really is a definition of the word DUDE, then civilazations degradation is now complete. please start a puppet alsewere

Main Entry: dude
Pronunciation: 'düd also 'dyüd
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
1 : a man extremely fastidious in dress and manner : DANDY
2 : a city dweller unfamiliar with life on the range; especially : an Easterner in the West


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