DIR wars...Is it the name?

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wolf eel:
Thats great as I feel the DIR-F could really sharpen my REC skills. I do not understand how people do not realize that the DIR skills will help them in there REC diving skills.


Thanks again for all the fun

Derek -

Do you have the Doing It Right:The Fundamentals Of Better Diving book yet? To make a long story short, I ended up with 2 of them, and am willing to send you the one if you pay shipping. PM me if interested.
There is no personal preference in my configuration. (unless you want to argue brands of gear, but we will not go there). My rig is a Hog rig. Breath the long hose.. Work out, don’t smoke …

All commendable.

However, on boats up here, you can not dive full DIR.

THIS you're going to have to explain in detail. What prevents you from diving full DIR, and what parts of that approach are you unable to use?

Now let’s talk about the gear. You say that DIR is a question of optimization. I agree. The question is who make the decision on what is optimum?

The diver, provided that is his/her goal.

Optimized for Florida caves and NE ocean are two different things.

Are they?
Keep in mind that there are allowances for different conditions withing the strictest confines of DIR.

I support and pursue the goal of diving optimal way (get into the best health, configure the best rig, practice and hone your skills). It's GUE decision on what is DIR that I don't support.

In the future please don't call me dude. Or I'll start a diatribe on the degradation of civilization by the young.
You need to get the sand out of your shirt and stop wasting my time. I don't have time to sort through all your moronic posts. Why don't you plant your geriatric butt back on the couch infront of a Matlock marathon and let those of us that are young enough to actually go diving worry about it. Capiche, dude? :wink:
Exactly what right do you have to tell anyone how to dive, much less that they are diving wrong. you have no right!

Excuse me, but I have EVERY right. I can tell them whatever I want. I can assert whatever I want. They also have the right to go on doing what they're doing and ignore what anyone tells them. One might just as well ask you exactly what right you have to tell me what I can tell people. Also, you might also want to read a little more carefully, since I haven't told anyone how to dive. I haven't stated a pro- or con- position on DIR. I've only commented on the nature of the controversy and people's responses to it. Thus, your substantive response so far fails, since it's technically not even a response.

Exactly who makes up the rule of " right and wrong" for diving. It isn't you, and it isn't DIR,

Who? No one "makes up" a valid one. ANYONE may seek to discover/formulate it based on valid considerations of safety and practicality. You, me, GIII, anyone. However, if you seek to outline the right way, you are stuck with the choice of either defining deviations from your method as the wrong way, or being a liar to yourself and others.

How dare you call me out.

Call you out? Are we in the third grade now? No one has called you out.
You posted a personal attack on me, because you didn't like what I had to say. I highlighted the nature of your post by pointing out that you were welcome to say something meaningful, with the implied message that when you did, I'd be happy to discuss it. you've made some effort, but so far, the results are disappointing, as the statement immediately below illustrates.

You've never seen any of these divers dive yet you have the nerve to pass judgement.

Where did I pass judgment? Again, are you even keeping track of WHO you are responding to? So far, your whole response is nothing but an emotional outburst of misdirected and confused anger at things I didn't even say.

There is an old saying about" cleaning your own back yard before you criticise mine" I can at least hold my own in any waterway in the world.

Ah, so now it's an ego thing. "My dad can beat up your dad!" - is that what it's come to?

Yet you have the nerve to say that I don't do it right.

While I do have the nerve to do so, I'd like to know just where you think I have.

Right by who? You? Some 50 dive newbie?

You REALLY have to stop making assumptions and keep it straight which poster you are responding to.

You need to analyse what diving is and find your own way. anything less is blindly following someone that does not have your best interest in mind

At last, a lucid assertion about diving. Congratulations!
My answer to this is yes and no. The value of all human communication is that we can learn from the experience of others. The approach you've just outlined would mean each person should design and build their own regulator, or that the next time you have an infection, you should discover penicillin all over again.

This rebuttal has been aproved by NOVADIVER. the content of this rebuttal , in no way reflect the veiws of scubaboard or any other agency. and is the sole oppinion of NOVADIVER.

I wouldn't proclaim that too loudly, if I were you.
This place is great! It seems like every time I logon there has been a new feature added. Like the rec.scuba feed we seem to be getting now!

Flattery will get you nowhere.
You need to get the sand out of your shirt and stop wasting my time. I don't have time to sort through all your moronic posts. Why don't you plant your geriatric butt back on the couch infront of a Matlock marathon and let those of us that are young enough to actually go diving worry about it. Capiche, dude? :wink:

AHHHHH cornfed.I can't stand Matlock or Mtv, I prefer the history channel. and the reason I dive is so that when I am "generation geriatric" I can tell wonderfull stories about the bottom of the worlds oceans as I crap myself in the old folks home.

You don't have to sort through my moronic posts, you can take for granted that I know the best and safest way to dive,and I'm the only one on earth with these skills. OOPS someone already has a claim to that. I think we just answered the origanal thread!!!!!!!!!!

Theres that word again "dude" :banghead:
When the mods tell you not to post there, that's what they mean. I won't even post to ask to move the thread out of DIR because they feel that the question alone is anti DIR and being anti DIR in the DIR forum is concidered trolling.

What boggles me is that it's become so contentious that even though DIR is supposed to be a continually evolving and adapting system, always open-minded and ready to change if provably better alternatives arise, the DIR section mods are now squelching even reasoned discussion of changes.

Apparently only certain people up high on Mount Halcyon are permitted to explore and raise for discussion possible changes to the system.

(A fairly direct comparison may be made to the software world's closed-source vs. open-source debates. While I'm not a huge advocate of open-source, it's undeniable that free and open discussion and community contribution have enormously accelerated the art.)
You can't teach children by yelling and degrading them. you have to bring them along and make them want to learn.

Ever since that sort of new age, warm fuzzy, cult of self esteem attitude took hold of the American public education system, it's been falling further and further behind, despite throwing more and more money at the problem. Our system is now the laughing stock of the industrialized world, producing illiterate high school graduates.

Meanwhile, students in Asian countries are academically slaughtering American students, while our education establishment wrings its hands over Asian students' lack of self esteem.

The world still fears our military, each branch in direct proportion to how "mean" its training regimen is. The DoD takes people from all walks of life, and teaches them complex tasks and skills to be performed under conditions where mistakes are often fatal, and does it very well, complete with a lot of yelling and degrading.

You can't purify and strengthen metal without fire.

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