DIR wars...Is it the name?

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Y'know, I've never thought of UP as being of a particular brand. I've just thought of him as someone who seems to be a damm good diver and a good guy.

Oh he's all that, to be sure ... he's also about as DIR as anyone I've ever dived with.

I don't really bother with labels and brands all that much -- I hardly see that as a topic worth spending many many many electrons to discuss on scubaboard and elsewhere....

I agree ... but then again, as long as the dialog doesn't get too vitriolic it can serve a purpose ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Derek S:
This is the crux of the whole thing right here. It is obvious that your ego is bruised over the fact that someone out there thinks you are "Doing It Wrong". Who gives a flyin' fark how you dive? I sure as hell don't, and I'd be willing to bet that 99% of the real "Bob's Diving System" aka DIR don't care either.

So do us all a favor:

1) Clean the sand out of your skirt
2) Don't give a **** how someone else 3,000 miles away behind a keyboard supposedly 'feels' about your diving.


1) Clean the sand out of your skirt
2) Buck-up, take the DIR-F class, then either realize that you in fact learned something, or will at least have a factual, educated bias against "Bob's Diving System"

Seriously people, some of you really need to get lives....

AH there it is , someone had to say "take a class" as I laugh this off ,I'd like you to think of a responce to "I could teach that class" and at the same time not alienate the rest of the diving world. Not to mention ,at the end of my class, my students would have the confidence and ability to dive solo

Often people treat people like those people were them.I'm taking that the " clean the sand out of your skirt" remark comes from your personal habits. I'd like to add that the differance between a skirt and a kilt is the shoes that go with it.LOL

If you change it from BOBS DIVING SYSTEM. to just BOBS SYSTEM the acronym would be "rite"
AH there it is , someone had to say "take a class" as I laugh this off ,I'd like you to think of a responce to "I could teach that class" and at the same time not alienate the rest of the diving world. Not to mention ,at the end of my class, my students would have the confidence and ability to dive solo

I dunno ... before I took DIR-F I thought I would pass it easily. I had been slowly migrating toward that style for some time, and diving regularly with DIR divers who kept telling me I had some skill. I didn't pass the class ... but I did learn a few things I thought I already knew. Hard to explain, but I think that no matter how good you are, your instructor's going to raise the bar just enough to challenge you.

Often people treat people like those people were them.

I think you're onto something there ... the biggest reason for these endless spats really boils down to perception. We all approach the conversation from ours ... and sometimes our perception of what's "right" is incompatible with that of the persons we're talking to.

If you change it from BOBS DIVING SYSTEM. to just BOBS SYSTEM the acronym would be "rite"

Hey ... I resemble that remark ... :eyebrow:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I think you're onto something there ... the biggest reason for these endless spats really boils down to perception. We all approach the conversation from ours ... and sometimes our perception of what's "right" is incompatible with that of the persons we're talking to.
I don't see anything wrong with this. I think the problem comes about when people take the next step and assume the incompatability must be fixed.
AH there it is , someone had to say "take a class" as I laugh this off ,I'd like you to think of a responce to "I could teach that class" and at the same time not alienate the rest of the diving world. Not to mention ,at the end of my class, my students would have the confidence and ability to dive solo

Often people treat people like those people were them.I'm taking that the " clean the sand out of your skirt" remark comes from your personal habits. I'd like to add that the differance between a skirt and a kilt is the shoes that go with it.LOL

If you change it from BOBS DIVING SYSTEM. to just BOBS SYSTEM the acronym would be "rite"

The whole point of my reply is "who gives a ****", and yet you again go on the defensive. I don't care that you dive solo. I don't care that you are anti-DIR. I don't care if you prefer pepperoni over sausage on your pizza. All the more reason you should not care what anyone else thinks.

Again, the sand out of skirt comment wasn't so much a personal attack as it was a "Dude, wake up, this is trivial get over it"

Yet again, if people can't get past a name, I feel sorry for them. Of all the reasons to be anti-DIR (and I admit there are a few that lend themselves to it), doing it because the name isn't "rite" is moronic.
[overexposed2X Hey Derek we had a great time! It was awesome to meet you and your family and dive with you. You weren't nearly as bad off as you think you were. The last dive you were really dialed into the team communication thing and it made for a great dive. As to the other dives I made a post on Orca Bait about diving in Powell River.]

This is for anybody reading this post not anything else. Its not that I do not understand or dive in a non buddy system I just stay out of buddies way. That way they are diving together as they do_One of the board members may want to READ that. I felt very confortable how we where diving. I know if I had issues I would have had NO trouble in getting help from either of you. And you had each other. On the second dive we where the team and now it was important to be with you instead of being a SOB.

[Uncle Pug leads/dives by example. It's a very nice complement to him that you want take DIR-F.]
Thats great as I feel the DIR-F could really sharpen my REC skills. I do not understand how people do not realize that the DIR skills will help them in there REC diving skills.


Thanks again for all the fun
Derek S:
The whole point of my reply is "who gives a sh|t", and yet you again go on the defensive. I don't care that you dive solo. I don't care that you are anti-DIR. I don't care if you prefer pepperoni over sausage on your pizza. All the more reason you should not care what anyone else thinks.

Again, the sand out of skirt comment wasn't so much a personal attack as it was a "Dude, wake up, this is trivial get over it"

Yet again, if people can't get past a name, I feel sorry for them. Of all the reasons to be anti-DIR (and I admit there are a few that lend themselves to it), doing it because the name isn't "rite" is moronic.

You post things like "get the sand out of your skirt" and "moronic" and you don't want a reply?

How about filling out your profile? So I'd know who I'm talking to. or you can leave it out and give me the impression that you are posting without the training.

In the future please don't call me dude. Or I'll start a diatribe on the degradation of civilization by the young.
In the future please don't call me dude. Or I'll start a diatribe on the degradation of civilization by the young.

Hmmm ... the term "dude" is at least as old as the 60's ... I know it was popular when I was in high school, and I've been using it among friends for the better part of 40 years.

Can't pin that one on the younger generation ... they're just borrowing it from their elders ... :wink:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
You post things like "get the sand out of your skirt" and "moronic" and you don't want a reply?

How about filling out your profile? So I'd know who I'm talking to. or you can leave it out and give me the impression that you are posting without the training.

In the future please don't call me dude. Or I'll start a diatribe on the degradation of civilization by the young.

Meaning I don't care. Reply if you want to, I'm not going to lose any sleep.

I'm sorry, I forgot to do that. Somewhere in between working my 2 full-time jobs, wife, 2 small boys, and finding time to dive, surfing the net is the least of my concerns. I just happened upon this thread, and am astonished how people can feel this way towards something that is aiming to make divers safer, regardless of the name.

For the record, I am a new diver. I am OW and Nitrox certified, and am going for my AOW this weekend. I've never taken a DIR class, but plan to in the spring (I hate the NE..winter sucks!). Go back to page 25-26 and read my original post in this thread, that should give you enough background.

I rarely use the term. I too agree that civilization has been degredated by the young, but I don't blame them, I blame the hand-holding, coddling parents that created these monsters in the first place. Did you see 60 minutes on Sunday, they had a good report on the whole thing. I should have TiVo'ed it...

So see, we can agree. :wink:

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