DIR wars...Is it the name?

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I've finished page five and see that I have twenty-five more to go.

FLASH** I'd only read through page three and now see that NWGrateful diver at the top of page four is calming my fears.

Before I learn more of this apparently emotional issue I like to say, that until a few minutes ago I wondered what the acronym "DIR" stood for, now I guess I know the words behind the acronym "DIR-F" and I'm beginning to get a feel for what the words stand for too.
Before my eyes glaze over, I've already run into a few divers who play it a little fast and loose for me, and most of my diving, that in my previous life, was solo and I was a fairly crazed kid. Some think I still am.
I see nothing wrong with safe diving fundamentals, I hope I'm not going to find that these acronyms stand for a group who want to think for me (Seems Uncle PUG and others don't believe so), I'd find that offensive.
But, if this group want to educate me, give me information and practice to use when I engage my brain, then I not only see no harm, I see benifit.
Had to say it now, in twenty-five pages more of reading I may be spitting fire along with hacking up my hairballs. And that ain't a pretty sight.

[Uncle Pug
So... we weren't as militant as you thought we might be at first glance, eh? :D]

No way you guys where great to be with. It was a complete pleasure to dive with you both.

Sorry for being such a guppy but it is sorted now. I am looking into DIR in Victoria area as I think it may be the closets to me. If anybody knows any different please do say.

Cheers Derek
Thanks again for all fun
wolf eel:
No way you guys where great to be with. It was a complete pleasure to dive with you both.

Sorry for being such a guppy but it is sorted now. I am looking into DIR in Victoria area as I think it may be the closets to me. If anybody knows any different please do say.

Cheers Derek
Thanks again for all fun
Vancouver has more activity than Victoria (In the way of GUE courses)
There is definately a link to being DIR and loosing your sense of humor, just page through the DIR forum (actually, just read this thread, nice and uptight). I like it, get's me trough my day. What is even more funny, is how the DIR dewds are fighting with each other...........dang, go beat up a REC dewd.
Your Avatars are very distracting!
Sometimes they get me to thinking that there's something besides diving.
Can that be right?

wolf eel:
So their I was sitting on this boat just the other week. As we are sitting around I am talking with the two other guys and I say UM how come all I hear about is how DIR think there so great. They both look at me like what ?. After the first dive of which I was diving like crap it was great to pop up and talk about how nice of a dive it was as nobody was all over and everybody (but me) was close enough to work as a buddy it was great fun.

One them asked if I felt they where absolute die hards and if they acted badly toward my gear no they had not. The second dive I was the uck up by far my O ring on the tank valve was leaking and in the quick change of tanks the O ring to the first stage was leaking a bit and because somebody was paying more attention then most it was noticed and fixed with no attitude from either. Crapy dive to boot. We dove a couple more dives and man was it ever cool to watch them dive they where dialed. The last dive with all three was great the viss was about 100+ easy so you could really watch and see how they where diving it was great. An Octopus even thought the guy was cool as he came out and said Hi by reaching out to him. Excellent dives.

Point is it all started with me commenting about my experience with DIR and ending with nothing but great impressions about it.

Now that we have a confirmed G.W. shark nobody has to worry how bad we look as their bad *** cannister lights are going to get em anyhow :D

I am not a novice by any means but they did dive more dialed. I felt like a guppy out of water. But then I think one of the guys is a better diver then most I have ever met. I may not have been diving my best but still they where dialed.

Hey Derek we had a great time! It was awesome to meet you and your family and dive with you. You weren't nearly as bad off as you think you were. The last dive you were really dialed into the team communication thing and it made for a great dive. As to the other dives I made a post on Orca Bait about diving in Powell River.

Uncle Pug leads/dives by example. It's a very nice complement to him that you want take DIR-F.
There are other Seattle DIR style divers that conduct themselves in a similar fashion. We have to be humble, because (maybe with exception of U.P.) we are far from perfect divers. All we want to do is be safe and have fun. If we want to get judgemental then we only need to turn the mirror upon ourselves.

BTW - sorry I didn't call on Saturday - I was still busy on the other project, then I caught the 7:30 AM ferry on Sunday. PM me about your tests.
Think about what you just wrote, You say your not taking sides, then you flame both sides in the same paragraph. What's up with that?

If this is the biggest bunch of bull you have ever read , that is because the mods pull the really big piles before you read them.

The nice mods have already told some of us that the next ban is forever, so we are playing nice, and in the same sandbox( like good five year olds)

and scuba board is entertainment untill we all (both sides) get to go diving again.

Has it dawned on you that everyone here loves diving , but our spouses can't stand another scuba related discussion?

So give me a break and let the kool aid drinker throw rocks at the strokes, no ones really getting hurt.

NOVADIVER has approved of this outburst :)

You mean this got beyond PG-13 and I'm reading the expurgated version?

I feel so violated!

But I got to look up another word, this time one I used (I wasn't sure of the spelling, and now I am). I love this place, you folks tax my brain, it's been so long since I've paid such taxes, I don't even mind.

This has NOTHING to do with my opinion of DIR, or any other agency..free my mind?
You've been watching the Matrix too many times.

What I find hilarious, is how SERIOUSLY some folks take diving. I've done my "mindless following", and have come out of the fog to realize that one should'nt take oneself, or one's diving "talents", or agency, affiliation too seriously.

Diving is a sport for some, and a business for others. By the way - don't forget to tell me to see "the trees from the forest" as I think that's the only cliche you haven't used...

raising the bar
the bandwagon fiasco
if the shoe fits, chew on it.

puttin' out fires? And before you have an aneurism, relax, it's just a well deserved jab, nothing personal.
I just noticed that now, on page twenty (plus or minus) of this, I'm beginning to get a headache.
Thank the gods, at least Neptune, that I have to teach a class in less than an hour.
What a study this could make for someone who has the patience.
Yet, I believe I'm learning quite a bit about the people, the arguments, even occassionally the ideals some hold of safety, by wondering while wandering through this mine field.

I don't know about that. I've learned a lot over the last year or so. Not only in my formal dive training, but through experience and diving with different buddies in many different places and environments. I'm the first to admit that I am not a perfect diver and I've learned a lot from this so called "DIR" or whatever anyone wants to call it. But if I am doing something wrong, I for one would like to know. For me diving is all about learning to become a better diver, and I've always found something new to learn, be it DIR or otherwise.
I think that how someone is told they're wrong is important. Sometimes timing comes into play too. But for the tenor of the complaints of this thread, I think for most neither are really at issue.
Most of the negative seems reactive to names and attitudes, and many from both sides have admitted that the 'tude comes from outsiders.
I'm still pondering the reaction to the name.


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