DIR wars...Is it the name?

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This self grandizing that you do so well is the reason for this whole thread. are you happy now that your infamous.
I believe the correct term is aggrandizing. :wink:
I've given a dozen or more examples already.

Read the thread.

Read the thread. Damn dude I'm in half of it. You read it, (minus the attitude).

Edit ::
She hasn't stated any so far.

Maybe that's where the screen name comes from?

I read it directly from the GUE website.

Keysdrifter, how come you always need a sidekick?
I read it directly from the GUE website.

Cite it then.

Got those cave accident statistics yet?

Inquiring minds and whatnot.

Keysdrifter, how come you always need a sidekick?

It's just a Hero thing I guess.

Lone Ranger had Tonto.



Who knew?
Holy crap - what a way to spend a shift at work.

But back to the original idea behind the post ... or at a variation ...

Is there a possible alternative name that could be used to express this system that would avoid the mud-slinging?
No, the attitude is DIR or your are a stroke. That's it.
I wouldn't read through 29 pages on a T1, let alone on a dial up. Guess my puter isn't DIR :D So if I don't dive a BP/W and the brand of my gear isn't Halcyon or Dive Rite (at least, not yet), but I do my diving right (or rite....your choice) am I still the proverbial stroke? No ofense, but I believe to be DIR you must first recongnize that you're really a trained stroke!
So their I was sitting on this boat just the other week. As we are sitting around I am talking with the two other guys and I say UM how come all I hear about is how DIR think there so great. They both look at me like what ?. After the first dive of which I was diving like crap it was great to pop up and talk about how nice of a dive it was as nobody was all over and everybody (but me) was close enough to work as a buddy it was great fun.

One them asked if I felt they where absolute die hards and if they acted badly toward my gear no they had not. The second dive I was the uck up by far my O ring on the tank valve was leaking and in the quick change of tanks the O ring to the first stage was leaking a bit and because somebody was paying more attention then most it was noticed and fixed with no attitude from either. Crapy dive to boot. We dove a couple more dives and man was it ever cool to watch them dive they where dialed. The last dive with all three was great the viss was about 100+ easy so you could really watch and see how they where diving it was great. An Octopus even thought the guy was cool as he came out and said Hi by reaching out to him. Excellent dives.

Point is it all started with me commenting about my experience with DIR and ending with nothing but great impressions about it.

Now that we have a confirmed G.W. shark nobody has to worry how bad we look as their bad *** cannister lights are going to get em anyhow :D

I am not a novice by any means but they did dive more dialed. I felt like a guppy out of water. But then I think one of the guys is a better diver then most I have ever met. I may not have been diving my best but still they where dialed.


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