The real issue is Helium.
Not living in the US basically says sometimes helium supply is limited - i.e. the price per liter is higher.
I can only comment as someone who works at a dive shop (i.e. free O2, compresor, booster, air), and have access to local people with their own compressors/boosters, it's still an issue with OC.
I own my own Helium bank - that's 50L cylinder 200Bar (i.e. 10k liters).
for a tech2 dive if the cylinder's weren't empty (i.e. I have ~60Bar in my doubles, and about 100Bar in my 3rd deco gas), neglecting O2price, I have the following issues:
1. takes forever to boost if He pressure in the bank is low.
2. no one refunds you if you get a new He fill and the bank - so you will boost to the death
3. for O2 again this becomes an issue if low pressure - but low cost.
this means that for a single tech2 dive with std. gasses it takes a lot of filling work if you're doing it all by yourself.
+driving around with your cylinders from place to place.
so actually the issue isn't only financial (He cost) but also logistics - you need to be
efficient otherwise it starts frustrating.
the real advantage I see in RB80/CCR is the easier logistics - i.e. you need to fill, but not after every dive. this is a game changer when thinking about backgas fills (it's much easier to throw 2-3 small cylinders and fill, rather than carry a steel twinset). but again this type of thinking is suitable for people who dive regularly (GUE divers for example).
what if I'm stuck and can't make 15/55? I'll live with 15/50 in the worst case - although the majority of times I end up diving 15/60
I will not go with the "dive on air to 45m/150ft" as this is simply not how I want to dive.
if no helium available (example is low availability and price bounced up x2) I'll dive recreational depths.
not saying I like it - but diving properly "gas wise" isn't cheap. than again if one paid for GUE classes, equipment, cylinders etc. , should already know this is a hobby you'll put a lot of money into and get back nothing but joy, salt water, and ultra flex condoms
anyone selling used RB80? - call me