it would be the poorly maintained regulator that never gets breathed and often gets dragged in the sand i'd be more concerned about but that is brand and model agnostic
This forms a nice transition to a point about the actual topic of this thread.
Around 20 years ago, I was new to ScubaBoard, and that was about the time I got my DM certification. I was just then learning what the phrase DIR meant, and pretty much all I knew about it I got from ScubaBoard. I read post after post after post trying to understand all of this.
I was totally turned off by some of the DIR posters because of their gross exaggerations--the "You're gonna die!" cliché. One that really struck me was made by a very prolific poster at the time, and he maintained in several threads that
every alternate worn in the so-called golden triangle position would drag in the sand/silt and become inoperable, meaning that in
100% of the cases that such an alternate was needed, it would not work. I was pretty sure that my golden triangle alternate had never had such a mishap, and every time I tested it before every dive, it was working just fine.
It would take me a long time to explain how this happened, but I was essentially forced by circumstances to become a DIR diver when I started my tech training. My heart sank when I realized this, but I persevered and realized that gross exaggerations were not a requirement of DIR. I later saw what I believe to be the source of it. Dan Volker had been specifically assigned the task of leading DIR to the recreational diving community, and gross exaggerations were an intentional part of his strategy. He told me so when I suggested that he would do better if he toned down the absurdities. No, he outright believed that those absurdities were an effective persuasive technique, and he was not going to change.