Who me? Ah hell, i'm not even certified....I just know how to dive, been doing it fer years.....Down here in the south Daddy just teaches us youngins' when we old enough to drive ol betsy down to the pond.....Straps the ol horse collar around our gullets and fetchs us in the drink.....
The above is a joke in case you missed...You know, eh?
So is 40 in a 3 cold enough for ya?
I am certified with one of the small memebers of the alphabet soup with a TDI Nitrox and Advanced Nitrox...Until September than I am taking the DIR-F(made arrangements yesterday for an August class out west--who knows maybe I'll look ya up) and hopefully by the middle of September(work travel permiting) I will also have caught the Tech 1 class.
So tell PADI Instructor, how does is feel to be a bellwether?