This is all easy to check on if you hit the archives on the cavers or tech list. Back in the early 90's, cave divers had to "create" decent gear, because NONE of the manufacturers would make anything but nonsense for real cave diving. Well before George and Jarrod, there was Bill Main and Parker Turner, and many other guys collaborating on the best sources for a backplate ( or how to get an ideal one made from scratch...the best way to make a harness for it...and how to create a set of wings . And on and on. These guys did research beyond belief, and were great at making their own stuff. While George Irvine and Jarrod Jablonski were doing there big dives in Wakulla in mid 90's, one of George's friends began diving more with them---Robert Carmichael, who happened to run Brownies Third Lung. Robert had been a tinkerer since childhood, and he had an factory for Brownie that had an awesome new development capability for new fabrications of metal, fabric, just about anything. Robert would hear George and Jarrod being pissed all the time after they got off the phone with dive Rite, or OMS, or Scubapro, or any of the majors---they repeatedly tried to get special gear created for cave diving--they had a pretty good guarantee of an initial market for these guys--but it was not enough for the mass market mentality of the majors. So Carmichael stepped up to the plate, and offered to take the designs the WKPP was using, and begin limited runs for them. George and Jarrod loved this, and the first run was a huge hit--the brand name was Halcyon..the DIR Equipment Company. The entire design was what the DIR community had come up with itself, and tried to get each of the majors to agree to. Halcyon became the DIR brand, because only Carmichael would use his factory for this.
Robert kept tinkering with Halcyon products, making little changes almost every few months...all working with WKPP team member feedback. this went on for years. To make a long story shorter, ultimately Robert passed Halcyon to Jarrod, after most of the tinkering was done. As you would also know, Jarrod was just WKPP through the 90's, and while George and I were doing DIR demos around the US around 1999, Jarrod was constantly getting bombarded by requests for instruction----but the WKPP was not an entity that could take on training for non-team members ( and team members were mentored--this being quite a different approach). Ultimately the global requests drove JJ to form GUE, and begin limited training. While you know George Irvine had been on a mission to save people from unsafe diving practices, JJ was active through the 90's on this was I.
While there was no "adventure" in doing GUE instruction, it fullfilled JJ's desire to help divers diver safer and achieve more enjoyment at the same time--for them to get better adventures.
My point is that there was no advertising conspiracy.....Halcyon is the DIR company because the other manufacturers did not care about how well the gear protected the cave or technical diver--they cared about the colors, the pockets, the fancy bells and whistles--they cared about what they thought they could sell alot of. Halcyon was never about that, and never will be.
Just as a side note on Halcyon mentality, around 1999 my friend Jim Abernethy was swimming with a fish on a spear , trying to place it on a sponge, where he could get a good shark photo and background....what he did not see was the 16 foot hammerhead behind him ( he was visually tracking several other large bulls). All of a sudden, he found himself flying through the water, without having to kick anymore---and felt some pressure....the hammer had bitten down on his side, but the teeth hit the backplate on one side, and the halcyon wing on the other. The wing was so tough, that only small punctures got through--no tearing...Jimmy had a moon shaped cresent on his but where the teeth went through the wing, but they were more like a funky tatoo than something you would worry about...I don't know if he even went to the doctor. He did go around showing everyone though

In any event, he calls me, and asks if I can get Carmichael to warranty a 27 pound Halcyon wing that has holes in it--and of course, should not have holes in it. Carmichael and I saw the wing, heard the story, and Jimmy walked out with a brand new wing , a warranty replacement.